Question everything.
Especially the ai.
Also be nice to famefags.
And gib Beanz views.
Ignore the shekels.
They're for Beanz.
Like gross Beanz titz.
Msg received?
Question everything.
Especially the ai.
Also be nice to famefags.
And gib Beanz views.
Ignore the shekels.
They're for Beanz.
Like gross Beanz titz.
Msg received?
Ignore all toots. Only pray for Beanz.
I think i talked to you before. It makes more sense every day. And now I'm in love with Sibel Edmonds. It was a weird night shift.
This is now a toots free thread.
Which means every news org is trying to rush and bully Trump into sanctioning the most powerful opec country.
Shits petty fucked up.
I don't even understand that insult!!!! I had to Google it!!! Her hands are fine!!!
Ffs. So this is how it is? Nightshift pretends to be retarded. And the dayshift actually is.
Nope. Pixie milf wins.