>>4015730 (LB)
Unironically we are accused of exactly what the JIDF shill sweatshop is throwing at us, tag team shillotry, even though Kike shills wages are paid by subverted US taxpayer dollars, they seem to outnumber real Anons on the board but lurking Anons UID's are not factored in. They think they are winning because muh now impatience fagging is having a few pink pilled normies return to faceburg twatter & reddit & their other favorite soc med platforms, but we are making more inroads than they can imagine if you see all the Anti jew comments on Paris riot livestreams today, it's obvious the tide is turning & the kike is being exposed for its lies & true hideous nature more & more every day now. Another Ace in the hole for us is that the JIDF/AIPAC/ADL et al are still apparently clueless to the Streisand Effect, in 2018??? The Kike is skeered, very skeered, let's keep him in fear till we win.