Anonymous ID: 6cf75f Nov. 24, 2018, 1:13 p.m. No.4016134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6212 >>6297 >>6382 >>6436 >>6640

Jesus. QT Sibel is more neck deep in this than i even realized.


She's been talking about Hussein funding Isis as Gladio B for like 5+ years. Once again, straight out of Archer, Gladio was the allies remaining in Europe just in case the commies came back. So she's equating Hussein funding Isis to that, all to oppose Russian influence expanding in the region. Which is exactly what's happened anyway.


So the Syria drama is what pols been taking about forever re a pipeline war with Russia. The migrant invasion that fucked up Turkey and then everywhere else was caused by all this shitshow whether Soros did it or not. We were actively funding Isis and destabilizing the region just to stop Russia from getting that nat gas pipeline because Russia bad. And as soon as Trump won, Isis disappeared. He wasn't winning any righteous war with Mad Dog. He was cleaning up our mess. And if it really blows open as it seems to be doing, it will be the most honest resolution to American fuckery in the history of the country.


And all this is coming to a head now over some botched spyjob involving 4 fucking intel agencies and an allegedly dead "journalist".


And that's almost surely why:

  1. Uks freaking out over Fvey and declas(aside from FISA shit)

  2. CiaMsm is doing the same.

  3. Trump isn't doing shit to SA yet.

  4. Hillary is suddenly speaking AGAINST the refugee crisis because it caused the rise in populism. A ton of this shit was on her watch. And Kerry.

  5. Assange matters more than ever right now because the real story isn't big bad Hillary and her emails and election rigging. It's America and allies fucking up the ME all the way into Europe just to oppose Russian expansion because Hussein and Hillary were more incompetent than we ever imagined.


And Archer talking about Gladio as a neofascist shitshow in season 3(6years ago) as part of the bumbling, incompetent, unofficial, American "ISIS" agency was so fucking prescient that Q Clearance Patriot walking us into the revelation of this shitshow is otherworldly brilliant.


We're watching Archer, Spectre, House of Cards and every movie Q has mentioned all wrapped up into one fucking shitshow. We've had all of these pieces available to us for literally YEARS and while we were chasing pedo symbols and biblefaggotry and hoping to stick it to the cabal we were actually hugely underestimating just how incestuous and fucked up this whole situation really was.


And for whatever Trump knew and when, he or God seemingly used himself as bait to get spied on and entrapped into "Russian collusion" as the domino that knocks over the entire fucking worldwide disaster. And that's why literally everyone in power has been lying to us the entire time.


Jesus Fucking Christ. I just wanted to shitpost about mainstream butthurt and happenings.


Also, no toots allowed. Marry me, Sibel.

Anonymous ID: 6cf75f Nov. 24, 2018, 2 p.m. No.4016539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6565 >>6601


Fuck notables.


I literally feel better now. Ive been up all night digesting the same shit we've all been talking about for years all over again. Somehow studying Sibel Edmonds to see if she was a trustworthy source or cianigger shill put the pieces together the right way in my head and i feel like what i wrote is the bare bones outline of the rabbithole we've all been living in.


Every piece we cared so much about didn't matter that much. Stinger missiles in Benghazi, McCain photos with Isis, Hussein's shady past, Hillary droning Assange, msm lying about Trump, wiretaps, Mueller, Stonetear, the servers, NK, a fucking pipeline, refugees, a wall, pussy grabbing, scumbag lawyers, Mexicans, Debbie being an evil cunt, ballot boxes, and Seth Rich don't fucking matter all that much. We all knew damn well the big pieces of it all, 20% at a time like pockets of corrupt interconnected shit. And we less those pockets were connected by people.


And we all knew it was connected and chased the bloodlines and the kidfucking and the overwhelming evil. But every 20% piece seemed not evil enough and stupid fucking politics as usual. Putting it all together as just dozens of little cover-ups and covers of covers of cover-ups, it actually makes sense. And it's horrible. And every little piece is heartbreaking but it's the fucking retarded shit just trickling down from a handful of assholes policies to just oppose Russia and maintain control of a Risk board. And it trickles into just opposing countries and parties and candidates and staff and family and people are dying around every step of the way. Sovereign countries are suffering and getting fucked as a byproduct of policy. And the evil fucks like Soros are fueling civil unrest as a cover-up and as leverage through optics to further these policies. And everyone including us already fucking knew.


We had more than we knew and it was never about the one document or the one pedo or the one superpac that we didn't find. It was everything.


And Trump was addressing everything. All at once. And it's impossible. And he's doing it. And every attack on him also doesn't even fucking matter because the trickle down horror eclipses everything. I feel better like it makes enough sense to me now. And there are inspiring geniuses around addressing the big problems. But the simple nature of the problem, that some group of policy making faggots were just so fucking arrogant and stupid that they literally thought their way was how the world worked and somebody would do it anyway if they didn't has probably squandered double digit percentages of the world's GDP all to create this mess that we all feel like we need to pray to fix because it's everywhere.


I don't know if i feel better because i give up or if i feel better because we've watched some geniuses try to fight it and make progress. But i feel better.


Shills, fucking kys. You fucking faggots shouldn't be able to walk the streets when this is done. Because you knew all these pieces too. At least the dregs of humanity that we all have been weren't participating to keep it going.