The content of SkyKing messages is never notable. You might as well have just posted
"There was a SkyKing message at 24 Nov 18 0340Z"
and if you're real nice, a link to the website where newanons can read what SkyKing messages are:
Emergency Action Messages (EAM's) are encrypted messages sent through the High Frequency Global Communications System (HFGCS).
While the messages can not be decrypted by the average person, the frequency of broadcasts, and types of broadcasts are interesting.
Due to the fact EAM's and SKY KING messages can be used to direct nuclear forces it has become a hobby for some to try and detect the on-set of WW3 by looking for abnormally large amount of traffic being broadcasted.
The goal of this site is to help detect patterns in broadcasts that can be associated with real world events, and operating procedures.
All Times are listed in ZULU (GMT) time as the transmissions can be received across the globe.