Another bit of Q numerology that backs up something happening on the 22nd is the end of the “Q Clock,” which lays out the minute hands of a clock and uses them to connect Q posts to each other.
The clock is a favorite “proof” of Q believers who use it to try and convince themselves that Q is following some kind of master plan, rather than making up a bunch of vague stuff that can be connected to anything because it’s so vague.
Nov. 22 is indeed the last day on the currently circulating Q clock. Since whoever made the initial meme of the clock is unknown, it’s impossible to ask them why.
fucking clockfags, you built up this nonsensical bullshit that 'the clock ends' and by the time all this disinfo gets out to a bunch of fucking retards like liz cockin, you just nonchalantly add fucking dates
t. clockfags