Freemasons believe man is God, therefore "In God We Trust."
They believe that through the agent of Satan, Lucifer, that man was given intellect. This intellect can only be truly wielded by a select Illumined few "wise men."
Satan runs this world. How else was he able to offer all the kingdoms of the world to Jesus Christ?
Satan was kicked to the dirt (Earth) from heaven. How many angels went with him? 33%
Freemasonry has 33 degrees to the craft.
Actually a Freemason is considered to be a reborn (g)od once they've attained 360 degrees. Perfection.
4 right-angles=360 (Masonic Square)
Perfect circle=360 (Masonic Compass)
Mother Goddess worship=Statue of Liberty, Starbucks, Ishtar, Mother Earth, Hail Mary, Queen Bee
They worship Mother Goddess, the vagina, because it's through the female that Satan was able to mix his DNA with that of man.
Cain & Abel=Cannibal