are you just now concerned about him…he was using the mason handshake in [RR] hearing was the end move my support of him other than a execution and casket measuring… All these traitors need hung globally and today is never soon enough!!!
dude give it a rest no one is listening here to you. Lord rebuke the and send and Angel to bind you in chains til the Lord returns so you can cry for the mountains to fall on you despicable traitorous ass. Justice is coming, your treason is with God the Father first and your postings here lead this anon to believe you will taste the second death…turn now before you do grieve away your teacher and seal your doom
independent journalist saying it is bullshit
short answer no, flown that profile before and some cartel members are about to be worm dirt…
You're confusing the crimnial act of arson and their locations, with the DEW targeting of occult assets of the trafficking network, where the structures are turned to ash with trees untouched within ten feet of the structure. The heat normally presented to the environment by the flames10 feet out from the structure is how the Chicago and San Fan fires of the past were so bad. DEW burn is from inside the material first and so rapid the heat in the adjacent areas never has time to build as to start secondary fires. The conspiracy label keeps normies asleep with eyes glossed over when discussion on this occur in public.
don't loose yourself take a break and invent a new way to die and film the first use for use glowfag