I believe that our faith is tested by God constantly by the simple option of choice,"free will", in our thoughts and actions.
Untested faith is unreliable.
Was not the "tree" in the Garden of Eden a test? I think that "Lead us not into temptation" means that we are asking God to prevent us from the temptation of evil.
God only allows us to test Him on one thing and that is tithing/giving where He will bless us with more than we gave.
Oh, the VICAR one (I am God) with his many gods that line his sanctuary, that has his own city, golden robes, golden crowns, own bank, that prays to saints to get to Jesus to get to God (that is nowhere in the Bible), protects pedos, and that studied with the Jesuits in Frankfurt Germany when he was 12, should be the new author of the Lord's Prayer. NOT! He should be in Gitmo with only a KJV Bible to read.