As given to us the right by our Heavenly Father , as believers that have faith, we have authority over Satan…Secret reveiled! You, as a faithful believer, have control over the evil in your world. You have authority by the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to exclude evil from your reality. Have faith in the ultimate authority…Jesus Christ!
Satan sinned when he deceived man, thus Jesus demoted him below man. Yes, below man. That means by authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, man is more powerful than Satan. Denounce satan in your life as a follower of Jesus Christ. You have the power as a follower to rid your life of Satan's presence. Hallelujah! Amem! Share.
What is the big decision that we have to make, as per Q? My thought is that, according to biblical prophesy, is the belief in our Heavenly Father and Jesus, our King, Christ Lord. Fake religions are very prevalent (Mormon, Islam, Buddhism, Hindu). A reckoning is upon us. The wheat is being separated from the chaf. Amen. Love all of you (no homo) regardless.