Anonymous ID: 2064eb Nov. 24, 2018, 4:10 p.m. No.4017697   🗄️.is 🔗kun



So if POTUS took control of Iran in May as per the attached Q drop and Bibi at the UN in September said Iran had nuke facilities that would be able to produce a nuke within months, would this show he is opposed to Trump? So WTF is really going on?


Lets look closer.


Bibi gave a speech 5 years ago saying Iran was months away from developing functional nukes SOUND familiar??? Then he gives the same speech 5 years later. The cabal must do war by subversion lets not forget it was Bibi in 2002 who said Saddam had WMDs you can watch his speech to congress here.


As per Q's drop Iran was being paid off to keep quiet about the cabals activities in the Middle East. Their actions also do not support the view that they are a state sponsor of terror. Their actions in the eradication of ISIS, support for Syria and ongoing offers of aiding the Syrian nation rebuild supports this position also.


The ending of the Iran deal immediately put pressure on the EU to fund the hush money which was previously provided by the Obama admin. This enabled the white hats to separate the Trump admin from the actions of his predecessor and the asshats running the EU.


Israel for it's part supported the move also as it's blind ambition of it's Zionist Talmudic rulers want for nothing more than a pretext to start a war with Iran using it's proxy battering ram the US led coalition to reignite their beloved Greater Israel Project; which of course took a big kick in the stones with Russia Syria and Iran beating the Israeli proxy ISIS.


Mattis announces he's deploying troops to monitor the Turkish Syria border, as you should know by now Erdogan is cabal thru and thru and Turkey has been the main conduit for fighters and weapons entering Syria plus we can't forget his son, Bilal, was facilitating the removal of ISIS oil from Syria thru Turkey then later sold to Israeli companies who then on sold it. Seems Mattis's move is to put a hold on the Turkish fuckery so Russia and Syria can take Idlib without Erdogan sending in his forces to help the terrorists.


Also adds weight to the Khashoggi FF that the Turks are so desperately clinging to with the full support of the Zionist controlled MSM.


Anyone still thinking that Bibi isn't a psychopath cabalist you are denying the reality of his own words. He has been focused on pushing war in the middle east for nearing 30 years. Here's a video of him from 1990 where the reporter actually asks him if Israel is trying to push the US into war!

Benjamin Netanyahu on Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction in 1990


You guys will decide for yourselves whether the above is coming close to the actual reality on the ground and I'm sure the abundance of kike shills in here will shitpost this to try and hide the truth.


Seems to me we do have more than we know and the dots are most definitely aligning!





Anonymous ID: 2064eb Nov. 24, 2018, 4:16 p.m. No.4017757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7772



400 displaced Syrians return via Nassib border crossing

More Syrians who had been displaced due to terrorist acts returned on Saturday via Nassib border crossing to the areas that the Syrian army liberated from terrorism in the southern region, head of the Immigration and Passports Center at Nassib crossing Mazen Ghandour told SANA.

The fresh returnees bring the total number of displaced Syrians who have returned to the homeland since the opening of Nassib crossing six weeks ago to 3000 who previously fled to neighboring countries to escape terrorist acts.


The Final Push for Idlib Will Come Soon

Russian and Syrian efforts have been moving in two very specific directions over the last few weeks. While Moscow supplies Damascus with new equipment in preparation for the future advance on Idlib, Putin and his entourage continue diplomatic efforts to draw more of Syria’s enemies closer to the Russia-Iran-Syria axis. The meeting that brought about the demilitarized zone included Macron and Merkel, the Europeans having evidently come to terms with the impossibility of overthrowing the legitimate government of Syria. Macron and Merkel were offered a way out of the Syrian conflict, decoupling themselves from the belligerent stance of the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia. The intention is to usher Paris and Berlin towards the same direction Qatar, Turkey and Jordan have been progressively gravitating. Certainly, these are not countries to be considered friends of Damascus. Rather, they are parties with whom a constructive dialogue needs to be entered into in order to advance common diplomatic interests.

Moscow has often found it possible to reach an agreement or start unpublicized negotiations with each of these parties. Erdogan seems to have preferred an agreement with Putin rather than waiting for the liberation of Idlib by the SAA, thus being able to postpone the natural conclusion of the war that will find him sitting at the table defeated. At the same time, Erdogan wants to concentrate on the Kurds in order to secure the border between Syria and Turkey controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), and to prevent any partition of Syrian territory that would favor other parties. Jordan has even reopened the border crossings with Syria, appearing to be the first country in opposition to Damascus that is now taking practical steps to mend fences. The case of the participation of the two European countries at the summit with Erdogan and Putin is more complex. The rift between Washington and the other European capitals is wide and well documented, even more so after the events in Paris commemorating the end of the First World War. Macron and Trump seem to be diverging further in terms of policy and ideology, while Trump and Merkel have always had their differences. Trump’s choices in the Middle East, in the wake of the destructive actions of Israel and Saudi Arabia, marked a profound point of difference and mistrust with the European allies. Macron and Merkel have a huge problem dealing with refugees flowing from areas in North Africa and the Middle East destroyed by US-led wars. The prospect of working with Erdogan, and indirectly with Damascus, to bring back hundreds of thousands of refugees currently in France and especially Germany, seems to have been Putin’s winning argument during the talks in Istanbul. This situation has helped to create a frozen conflict in the country. Together with the agreement of Idlib, this gives the SAA plenty of time to rest, regroup, and receive supplies needed for future campaigns.

The current truce is a strategic pause that has all the appearance of what has happened in the past in the provinces of Homs and Aleppo. The need to free Idlib from terrorists goes hand in hand with the promise of Assad and the government of Damascus to liberate every inch of Syria from terrorists. The diplomatic efforts of Moscow serve to prepare the ground for what will happen in the coming months, with the SAA set to advance on Idlib. In this sense, the deployment of advanced systems in Syria serves as a deterrent against possible responses from countries like Israel and the United States, anxious to defend their jihadists, but continuing to have minimal influence on the ground.

Russia and Syria’s moves therefore seem to be in preparation for the battle for Idlib, to be the longest and most difficult yet. The liberation of the province is inevitable but requires all the necessary political, diplomatic and military preparation in order to ensure success and limit potential escalation. As is often the case, Moscow and her allies approach complex issues with simple and pragmatic solutions, even offering exit strategies to their (geo)political opponents, which contrasts with their demonstrated tendency to rush heedlessly towards war.



Anonymous ID: 2064eb Nov. 24, 2018, 4:18 p.m. No.4017772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7789





10 abductees held by terrorist groups in Aleppo countryside freed

SANA reporter said that the feed abductees are nine men and one woman whom terrorist organizations previously abducted from several areas in Aleppo countryside.

The Syrian state is exerting enormous efforts to free abductees held by terrorist organizations and bring them back to their families, managing in the last few months to free many, most recently Sweida abductees on Nov 9.


Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Fails To Overrun Syrian Army Positions In Northern Hama

In a new violation of the Russian-Turkish deconfliction agreement, a unit of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) [the former branch of al-Qaeda in Syria] attempted to attack several positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the northern Hama countryside, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).

The unit of HTS advanced from the opposition-held town of al-Lataminah towards positions of the SAA in order to launch a hit and run attack. However, the SAA detected and targeted it.

“The army targeted the infiltrating terrorists with the suitable weapons, and heavy losses were inflicted upon the terrorist groups in the personnel and equipment,” the SANA’s reporter in Hama said.

According to Syrian and Lebanese sources, the SAA and its allies are preparing to launch a large-scale military operation against the remaining militants in northwestern Syria in response to the repeated violations of the deconfliction agreement. The supposed operation could be launched before the end of this year.


20 martyred in new massacre by Int’l Coalition on Deir Ezzor Countryside

Local sources told SANA that warplanes of the US-led “International Coalition” carried out airstrikes on al-Souk (market) area in Hajin city in Deir Ezzor eastern countryside, claiming the lives of 20 civilians


Russian FM: Washington using ISIS terrorist organization to carry out its plans in Syria

Lavrov said the presence of the United States in Syria is illegitimate because the Syrian legitimate government had not requested it, adding that Washington is deploying troops illegally in al-Tanf area near al-Rukban Camp.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry said over 6000 militants of the so-called Maghawir al-Thawra group controlled by the US are currently in the Rukban refugee camp, along with 50,000 refugees.

Lavrov pointed out that the statements of the US State Department few days ago that ISIS was not defeated yet and putting conditions for fighting the extremist organisation prove that the US views ISIS as a justification to remain in Syria and indicate that Washington is using it to carry out its plans in the country.


Brief Look At Military Situation In Syria On November 24, 2018

According to pro-government sources, members of militant groups operating in the province of Idlib continue to violate the demilitarized zone agreement. Over the past week, the Syrian Arab Army has repelled multiple attacks by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies. The most recent attack took place late on November 23.

Te US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are still clashing with ISIS members in the area of Hajin in the Euphrates Valley.

The SDF reports ISIS casualties there on a constant basis but makes no progress on the ground.

Anonymous ID: 2064eb Nov. 24, 2018, 4:20 p.m. No.4017789   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Ankara Slams US Plan To Establish Observation Posts Along Turkish-Syrian Border

On November 24, Turkey’s Minister of Defense, Hulusi Akar, criticized a U.S. plan to establish observation posts along the Syrian-Turkish border and said that such measure would further complicate the situation in northeastern Syria.

“I am of the opinion that these measures will only complicate further an already complicated situation,” Akar told the Turkish Anadolu Agency.

Akar also revealed that he conveyed Turkey’s “discomfort” to the U.S. plan during a meeting with Gen. Joseph Dunford, the U.S. joint chiefs of staff chairman, last week on the sidelines of the Halifax International Security Forum in Canada.

“We have stated that the observation points to be established by the U.S. troops on the Syrian border will have a very negative impact […] and in the course of our discussions we expressed that it could lead to a perception that ‘U.S. soldiers are somehow protecting terrorist [Kurdish People’s Protection Units] YPG members and shield them,” said Akar. U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis revealed earlier this week that U.S. forces will establish several observation posts in the SDF-held part of the Syrian-Turkish border. Mattis claimed that the posts will address Turkey’s “legitimate” concerns about “terror threats” in northeastern Syria.


U.S. Envoy: We Are Not Committed To Regime Change In Syria

U.S. special envoy to Syria, James Jeffrey, claimed that that Washington is not working anymore to change the regime in Syria. However, the diplomat stressed the need for a political process in the war torn country.

“We are committed to a political process that is with and by the Syrian people. The Syrian people get to decide who will lead them and what kind of a government they will have. We are not committed to any kind of regime change. We are committed to a change in the behavior of that regime,” Jeffrey said during an interview with the Russian news agency RIA Novosti and the Kommersant newspaper, according to the news outlet, Sputnik.

Jeffery also denied that the U.S. has any plan to divide Syria and claimed that Washington has always supported the territorial integrity of the country.

“The United States has supported the territorial integrity of Syria at every point in this conflict and before, and we will continue to do so. The presence of American forces carrying out anti-terrorist operations does not indicate any desire to break apart a country,” Jeffery said.

While the U.S. diplomat renewed his calls for an Iranian withdrawal from Syria, he openly admitted that Washington will not ease its sanctions on Tehran if it complies with this demand.

“The idea of a trade of Iranian withdrawal for American relief on sanctions on Iran to come up, that’s something that under no circumstances would we accept,” Jeffrey stressed.


Note: This Jeffrey guy is skitzo he said the exact opposite in his report a week earlier which can be found below


Briefing on Syria

Anonymous ID: 2064eb Nov. 24, 2018, 4:27 p.m. No.4017833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7863

“Moderate Rebels” Attack Aleppo City with Chemical Weapons. Casualties Reported


At the late hours of November 24, unknown militants launched several rockets containing chlorine gas at residential areas in the northern part of the city of Aleppo, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).


“Terrorist groups fired rocket shells containing toxic gases at al-Khalidiye and al-Neel Street neighborhoods in Aleppo city,” the SANA said in a press release.


The reporter of the Syrian News TV in Aleppo said that 75 civilians, including at least 14 children, were intoxicated as a result of the chemical attack. The injured civilians were reportedly transported to the hospitals of Aleppo University and al-Razy.


Few hours after the attack, local sources said that a group of experts have arrived in Aleppo to examine the attack site and the victims. This indicates that the Damascus government is planning to call for an international investigation into the dangerous incident.


Russia and the Damascus government warned earlier this year that radical militants in northern Syria received chemical materials, including chlorine, from Western countries. Furthermore, two days ahead of the attack in Aleppo, a report by the Russian news outlet Sputnik warned that French militants-experts have armed several rockets with chemical warheads in southern Idlib.


In its first response to the chemical attack, the SAA shelled several positions of the militants in the western Aleppo countryside and the southeastern Idlib countryside. A much more serious response is expected in the upcoming few hours.


Number of Injured in Aleppo Chlorine Shelling Climbs to 65


The number of civilians injured in an attack by militants using chlorine-filled shells on residential areas of Syria's Aleppo has reached 65 people, Syrian newspaper al-Watan reported on Sunday.


Sources at the ar-Razi hospital told the newspaper that by midnight local time (22.00 GMT on Saturday), 21 injured had been admitted, all hospitalized in the intensive care unit.