Bot, Shill or whatever:
What is organic here?
Do fakies rely on the same recycled poses, images, attitudes, and phrases, repeating over and over and over?
What is organic here?
Is there an image projected here that this /pol/?
Is that realistic?
What does it mean when "BO BTFOs a shill in notables"? Who is a patriot here? Are anons paying attention?
Can everything be spoonfed?
Are the people in control here?
How do you know?
What is BO? A patriot? How do you know?
Do you question at all?
Why are we here?
Is this /pol/? Why does it appear almost identical to /pol/? Is that organic? Do you question it, or anything here?
Or are you a sheep?
Some of us have different skills
I speak only for myself - The breads go so fast, with a lot of junk.
I'm always looking for comments to original posts and names of pictures that might lead to other information, sometimes yes, sometimes not.
The bots have figured out my filtering system, that is apparent, which means that 'someone' has access to individual posters history and total set up.
To suggest that we aren't 'fighting' is ludicrous. Ever time we great a new wave of 'newbie anons' the same information is posted over and over again.
I have commented on this. It gets very repetitious doing this. I have also, along with others, stated that the group of originals anons are probably gone. These 'originals' we extremely good researchers. The caliber of researchers is different, Q and co. are 'experts' in 'intelligence, right? They should understand about turnover - waves move in and older groups move out because of diminished abilities.
You (Q) and co. underestimate our group. Or your lack of group fundamentals has not been incorporated into this movement dynamic.
I am a human