Eat shit and die.
It was a major hit in 2016 election cycle faggot.
I swear to FUCKING CHRIST you soft mother fuckers need to take your asses back to kikebook, fuck.
Eat shit and die.
It was a major hit in 2016 election cycle faggot.
I swear to FUCKING CHRIST you soft mother fuckers need to take your asses back to kikebook, fuck.
Again, die slow pussy.
This is not a kumbayanigger session. This is fucking infinitechan. Take your feelz and fuck off.
Obviously you haven't because normie MAGA's ate that meme up in 2016, on fucking kikebook of all places, kek!
I don't care about your feelz & I didn't make the meme.
This board is becoming like a fucking bible study, I swear.
Clearly you haven't even read the intro to qresearch.
I'll just filter your lame ass which I don't like to do but if I wanted to hear your "disrespectful" type remarks and holier-than-thou attitude I'd go speak with some old bitties on kikebook.
I should post the POTUS speech in 2011 in Las Vegas where he says "mother fucker"..would love to see you shit a brick on that one.
kekekek…I think I may have begun his triggering.
He blocked me then started twAtting about he's on Q & POTUS. GLORIOUS!
Posted one year ago, today.
Not sure but check out what happened today.
Also just found this..
I have always heard Musk was against the Bilderberg Depopulation plans. Then he was supposedly shooting a segment with Bourdain, exposing all the spirit cooking shit before Bourdain was red-scarved.
Someone was here last night too kek.