>> 4017878
<Someone needs to have a word with your developer…
I want to volunteer to personally snug the noose up before the floor drops for a few of these JIDF shills on the DOTR
This from Kerry & previously Hellary, comes on the heels of Dan Bongino saying there will be no criminal justice, only cosmic justice,2 days ago & Rep Gaetz loosing faith publicly on twatter today.
WTF is going on?
Something's fucky Kerry & HRC saying immigration wrong & Rep Gaetz & Bongino losing faith in criminal justice, was there a major habbening behind the scenes?
The twat bans are just to give the Long Nose Tribe Journalist more street cred, she's an Israel first traitor & is pied pipering a bunch of Normies away from the JQ, she will have a very public melltdown about rising Anti-Semitism in a very near future event when she is restored by twatter brass. Screencap this for posterity
here she is trying to look impartial, but was is the real MO of this..