Anonymous ID: 6e98eb Nov. 24, 2018, 5:50 p.m. No.4018499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8537 >>8539


No doubt. The theory that Roswell was actually humans that time traveled back to 1947 to try and fix an issue with our timeline is much more believable that alien life crashing here. They failed in their mission and future tech got into the hands of the wrong people. It's a shame those people didn't make it back to their loved ones. Maybe someday we will be mature enough as a people to accept these things and give these humans from the future a respectable monument in remembrance of their courage and sacrifice.


1947 was the year CIA was founded. Future humans would most certainly be aware of the atrocities done under the secretive agency of the CIA. It's no wonder that the left demonized any group that wanted to meet in the name of Patriotism. The CIA were paranoid of free people finding out the truth. We have to end secret societies in our Government. I have no issue with citizens meeting in private, none at all, all should have that right but Government Agencies have abused the "national security" classification for the last time.


We need an independent board of classification. An elected cabinet of sorts. There are definitely some things that have to be classified, but no longer can the agencies be trusted to make that decision. Obviously POTUS has final say over classifications.

Anonymous ID: 6e98eb Nov. 24, 2018, 6 p.m. No.4018603   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm at the point now that I'm going to start trusting that Google, Twitter, MS, etc are working for the good of the people. CIA must be either gutted, or powerless considering the habbenings of NK and SA.


Will be nice to have Snowden and Assange be free people again. I think I may have talked to Ed on a plane in 2007, but I am not certain. The person I talked with was really nice and we had a great conversation about faith and God for the entire trip. When we were offloading the plane, he told me he was FBI and I believe gave me a business card or something. I don't have a clue where that card may be now. Like I said, it may not have been him anyway.


I would love to chat with him one day though, he and Assange both are the people we needed for the time that we needed. Seth Rich is another. Just simple people with a special purpose. Truth tellers.

Anonymous ID: 6e98eb Nov. 24, 2018, 6:24 p.m. No.4018785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8897 >>8926 >>8940 >>8959


I ordinarily wouldn't support this kind of rhetoric, but if we are talking about Deep State assets then hell yeah there is only one ending for them anyway, a final ending.


This is our moment to use the same terrible tactics and weapons on them that they have used on innocent people for decades. I'm glad we have a POTUS that understands the scope of this situation, I feel he has probably been tortured with the "no touch" methods and he can levy some revenge for those that have no power to do so.


It's a terrible thing to be tormented by forced intrusive thoughts, fight to stay alive, to keep your loved ones safe, and to do it all under a mode of stealth so you don't worry the ones around you.


It makes me so sad and furious to now understand that someone was trying to kill me and I didn't know it, I blamed myself. They did all they could to convince me to go commit a crime I would never dare to do. I had to fight off rage that had consumed me in every way. Thank God above for giving me the strength to cope through that. This was in late 2006 - early 2007. I sincerely hope to find out the truth of that time period because it really scarred my marriage and I will never forget it.


Slow kill after that 2007- 2018 extreme panic attacks, isolation, low self esteem, but I never gave up. Rapid heart rate, extreme fatigue, sleep deprivation, hot flashes, chronic joint pain, every joint inflamed. I never will give up. No friends, no social life, huge weight gain, countless ibuprofens, SSRIs, SNRIs, Benzos, Adderall, etc just to keep moving. Still here. I won.


Im only telling you this in case you have experienced electronic harrasment, no touch torture, or the like. We have a POTUS and family that understands us. I don't think it's coincidence that FLOTUS has a platform dedicated to ending cyber bullying. Normies may think she's only talking about schoolyard bullies, but we know better.


Thanks for listening. I haven't told anyone other than my wife and sister these things and they don't believe me, so….. You're all I've got! 🤗