It is all a competition and long jump was taken
a U, you, yew.
Toots will always continue to help our medical research community.
Feed ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
poor Sasquatch.
could not get the quantum wave to collapse in his favor.
Ok Night shift let's get back to figuring out standard theory and how it relates to the divine pattern - are my peeps out there?
Geometry? LOL
Yup fight it - if you let that toot out you may just clear the room.
So we have:
Electro and Magnetic field pretty well defined
Color Field - seems related to strong Nuclear force
Higgs Field - seems to be related to Mass and Gravity
_ Field - that will be related to weak nuclear force.
It appears that the quarks have a color energy field and has both a color and anti color in each quark. But collapse into a proton with mass and charge the color must balance into three axis Red/Green/Blue. My bet is that this symmetry breaking is at the perimeter of the proton and will always follow the symmetrical wave pattern of a 6 dimensional axis. Like the orbit of the electron has a pattern where there are only some places the electron can be particle – this will hold true of quarks as well. I think the unpaired quarks, two up and one down are still actually paired but across a dimensional event horizon – thusly we cannot measure the anti-quarks folded on the perimeter – dimensional event horizon
Basically, there is a three/six axis energy field for the quark/gluon named color with no charge, no mass and mostly not understood. Light/Photon has two axis electro and magnetic. Let’s say the red quark moves in the orbit of the red/anti-red quantum wave potential and only can “un-pair” and collapse into physical when matched on the perimeter of the circle/dimension event horizon. The same will be for the green and blue quarks. The orbital pattern of the quark/gluon will retain this geometric symmetry. Note the pattern is the great circle of the perimeter if the entire pattern is not spun around the Y,X, Z or other axis.
Geometry is internal and intuitive.
When she gets to the point of showing you that every electron orbital is a 4 D hypersphere and explaining what that hyperspehere is - we can really get into shit.
What I got is that EM is just a small part of the field equation.
Add Higgs, Add Color field (that shit needs digging), and I haven't even touched on the weak nuclear force yet.
But for energy production Higgs.
EM is very limited
Higgs will blow your fucking mind
Overlapping fields - many with no charge, no mass, and no measure.
It isn't buoyancy. The 4D bubble we exist on is surface tension.
Inner pattern is twisted and filtered to create our 4D reality.
Note not the only physical reality.
My new motto:
'You sure you can skin griz'
Never said EM was not powerful ….
but EM is just a small part of the picture.
Tesla saw this and include the anti of the color field in his shit - just had no way to explain it
color has no charge, no mass and is pretty much undefined even now. Yes it is a field
Yes it is important
Yes it creates the strong nuclear force and collapses within the Higgs field to create mass and gravity.
But it is not just EM until all fields are unified.
that was a very simple interpretation of the color field - the field inside the proton and neutron that creates the strong nuclear force.
color in quantum dynamics is just a word.
They had no clue other than it was a trinity field. it had no mass, no charge and nothing to measure - They had to have a name.
They chose color as the name.