Anonymous ID: 72c08d Nov. 24, 2018, 10:03 p.m. No.4020717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0816 >>0822 >>0826 >>1021 >>1218 >>1306

OK, this John Kyriakou guy (not sure if he is /ourguy/ or not) is saying

Assange doesn't have a chance in Eastern Dist of Virginia fed court

It's known as "Espionage Court"

No national security defendant has EVER won a case there


Learn this name because you can bet Q and POTUS know it


Kyriakou's case was tried in her courtroom

His lawyer made 72 motions and every damn one was denied, case was lost


Alright, soo Kyriakou had that experience and opinion. What do other people think about Judge Brinkema and Eastern Dist Fed Court?

Dig time, and I do not like what I'm finding.



"Judge Leonie Brinkema of Alexandria, Virginia has become the latest federal judge to join the “resistance” to Donald Trump. She joins Judge James Robart of Seattle, whose political decisionruling against Trump was upheld by three judges of the Ninth Circuit.


Resistance has become the rallying cry for those who failed to defeat Trump at the ballot box last year. The well-funded Center for American Progress, which employs people connected with Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential campaign, said it hoped to be “the central hub of the Trump resistance.”


Resistance to Trump began on November 9, the day after the election, when the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) threatened to “see him in court” where it promised to unleash its “full firepower” to stop Trump. Resistance is the theme of the anarchists who sparked violent protests against Trump, including smashed windows and fires, from Berkeley, California to Washington, D.C.


Like Judge Robart before her, Judge Brinkema did not bother to cite any relevant law that supports her opinion against Trump's executive order being carried out. Instead, her opinion complained that campaign speeches by Trump and one of his surrogates, Rudolph Giuliani, revealed the President’s “religious prejudice” against Muslims.


Both judges falsely claimed there’s no “evidence” that suspending travel from 7 Muslim countries would protect Americans from terrorism, and Judge Robart even said that no visitor or refugee from any of the 7 countries had ever been arrested for terrorism. In fact, 72 individuals from those 7 countries have been convicted of terror-related crimes since September 11, 2001."


  1. Brinkema was the judge for Zacarias Moussaoui:




  1. VERY interdasting discussion regarding specific judges. Names names, tasty:


POTUS has called everyone's attention to the massive problem of biased liberal judges. Time to get familiar with the names and personalities.


Very few pics of Judge Brinkema online. Probably had almost everything scrubbed.

Anonymous ID: 72c08d Nov. 24, 2018, 10:11 p.m. No.4020762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0772 >>0776 >>0780 >>0785 >>0816 >>0840 >>1021 >>1218 >>1306

Shit, shit, SHIT

Assange is walking into a minefield if, as many are saying, he is IN Virginia and headed to Eastern District Federal Court in Alexandria Tuesday morning.


Judge Leonie Brinkman was APPOINTED BY BILL CLINTON


Worse, she's on Podesta's very long list of judges in the "Judicial Outreach" program, and no doubt known to be "reliable" for the DNC:


"Manhattan-based Federal Court Judge Kimba Wood is one of many on a long list of judges whose official government email addresses were recently found in the correspondence of Hillary Clinton's former 2016 campaign manager, John Podesta. Podesta's emails, which were published during the campaign, can be searched on the WikiLeaks website here and the specific document of listing Wood and other judges can be found (at


That email originated from Amy Killoran at Georgetown Law in 2014.

Anonymous ID: 72c08d Nov. 24, 2018, 10:16 p.m. No.4020790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0832


Somewhat reassuring to see anons immediately confident about safety of Assange.


Am suspicious by nature, made more so by having been here for a good while.

It ain't over until it's over.

Thanks for the bon mots, but some of us won't stand down until this stuff starts wrapping up for real.

Anonymous ID: 72c08d Nov. 24, 2018, 10:35 p.m. No.4020894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0917


That Wikileaks email from Amy Killoran at Georgetown to John Podesta was like a lottery win bonanza of corrupt judges names.


I remember seeing it when the Podesta emails dropped originally and thinking, "oh hell, this is a piece of luck", but now, with everything we've learned since 2016, it's much more meaningful.


Kick their asses, Whitaker.

Anonymous ID: 72c08d Nov. 24, 2018, 10:43 p.m. No.4020930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0946


Exactly what Ben Rich at Lockheed said, that basically 50 years' worth of wonders were locked up in classified programs and were never going to see the light of day.


It would be such a benefit to America, and the world, to release some of that technology. God knows we could use all the extra boosts we can get.

Anonymous ID: 72c08d Nov. 24, 2018, 10:55 p.m. No.4021030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1071

Prank? Not funny.


Roseanne Barr

‏Verified account @therealroseanne


Roseanne Barr Retweeted Roseanne Barr


I was the victim of a prank. I’ve had no medical issues. I’m spending time at home with my family and relaxing.

Anonymous ID: 72c08d Nov. 24, 2018, 11:23 p.m. No.4021198   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is too wild to NOT be part of the movie.


Chime in, lawfags.

How long would you expect Assange's case to require?

In Federal District court, do proceedings include discovery and testimony as in other courts?

Does the Eastern District Federal Court publish its calendar online?


Not that we have the remotest chance of predicting what might happen; I'm just pointlessly whining for crumbs.




Other that that, I still want to know what the hell was behind those Caneiro murders/arsons in New Jersey. Was Keith Caneiro actually that member of Trump's Presidential Intelligence Advisory Board named "David Robertson of New Jersey", an individual who has NO web profile. The Caneiro family's businesses– Acropolis Holding Corp, SquareOne, a pest control company, and the brother Cesar's company in Manhattan,, are all sketchy as hell. Combine all that with the fact that every single American with the surname Caneiro listed in can trace their origin to Cuba, and I want to know who was behind that hit and botched hit in New Jersey.


The Presidential Intelligence Advisory Board operates as independently as if it was the POTUS' own stable of Texas Rangers.


Something's definitely up and Caneiro's wife and two innocent children got murdered for it.

Anonymous ID: 72c08d Nov. 24, 2018, 11:27 p.m. No.4021220   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Only two people I've seen claim Assange is in Virginia are Webb and John Kyriakou.



Need to remember that big brouhaha at the Atlanta airport so long ago.

Was he extracted a while back?

Is he actually at Gitmo, and the reason behind the significant healthcare facility improvements there?

I suppose he could testify on video.


We don't have enough confirmed information.

I'm the one who was spazzing about Judge Brinkema, and still doubt everything I'm seeing.

Anonymous ID: 72c08d Nov. 24, 2018, 11:31 p.m. No.4021238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1301


And then there's this.

Lawyers never ask questions if they don't already know the answers.

Assange knows, and I assume somehow has physical possession of, everything that was never released.

Assange could potentially blow the world's mind, for the record, and under protection.

Anonymous ID: 72c08d Nov. 24, 2018, 11:36 p.m. No.4021264   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There must be a handful of them sitting in some dull office somewhere.

They must get so bored sometimes.

Too bad we can't at least start a game of Scrabble with them in another tab.

Hello, folks. Been a long haul here, that's for sure.

Anonymous ID: 72c08d Nov. 24, 2018, 11:41 p.m. No.4021299   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How old is the person who wrote this nonsense?

My back and knees are both too old for "more dangerous behavior"

Honestly. So many deluded liberal young people.

The only good thing is that time will catch up with THEM, too.

Anonymous ID: 72c08d Nov. 24, 2018, 11:47 p.m. No.4021340   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks for reminding me about "we have the source"

I totally forgot.


This experience reminds me of college.

Taking those biology courses, regurgitating and sketching all the structures within a human skin cell for the test

Then having someone expect me to be able to do the same two full years later.

I can't remember birthdays well, either