Anonymous ID: 835004 Nov. 24, 2018, 9:51 p.m. No.4020641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0668 >>0722 >>0752 >>0844 >>0969 >>0975 >>1055 >>1129 >>1218 >>1241 >>1306 >>1330



Who started the Q movement, and why?


When president Trump brought Michael Flynn on board as his National Security Advisor, Flynn brought with him a couple of trusted colleagues: Rich Higgins and Ezra Cohen-Watnick. Rich Higgins was named the Director of Strategic Planning for the National Security Council, while Ezra Cohen-Watnick was named Senior Director for Intelligence Programs for the National Security Council. Flynn, as most know, was the National Security Advisor (head of the NSC).


Flynn, Higgins, & Cohen-Watnick shared a concern about a great threat facing America. This threat is an ideological threat, rather than that of a particular nation-state.


This ideological threat is the alliance of Islamism with Cultural Marxism. Islamism in America has been establishing itself via numerous organizations, but the most prominent is the Muslim Brotherhood. Cultural Marxism as an ideology is widespread in America, and the most visible "on-the-ground" operation is Antifa.


Cultural Marxism and Islamism may seem like unusual bedfellows, but according to Higgins they have been allied since the 1980s.


In August 2017 Rich Higgins wrote a 7 page concept paper for POTUS, outlining how International Bankers, the MSM, Academia, Global Corporatists, the Deep State, Islamists, and Democratic and Republican Leadership were jointly engaging in political warfare against POTUS. Their reason for engaging in political warfare against POTUS was because he is a threat to the cultural marxist/islamist movement that they all benefit from.


I highly, highly recommend reading this concept paper - which can be found at the link below. It is fairly heavy reading for just 7 pages, but it's worth it.



Unfortunately, Deep State National Security Advisor HR McMaster intercepted Higgins' paper, leaked it to the press to make him look like a nut, and used it as an excuse to fire him and Ezra Cohen-Watnick.


Higgins gives a very good 30 minute interview with the Daily Caller (link below) where he outlines his concerns about cultural marxism, and he discusses the events with HR McMaster.


In this interview, Higgins repeatedly mentions the "Cultural Marxist Memes" as well as "Memetics" that the American public needs to contend with.


So, how is this relevant to the Q movement? Well, we are responsible for sifting through the cultural marxist MSM narratives to find truth, and then to spread truth via Nationalistic Memes. We are fighting memes with memes.


As a reminder, here is a clip of Flynn talking about Anons (his army of digital soldiers).


And here is a link to one of his tweets taking about how "Citizen Journalism is the new Future":


Finally, just to bring some comfort to Anons, please recall that Ezra Cohen-Watnick has been hired on by the DOJ. Just before the 2016 election, Ezra Cohen-Watnick posted a couple of facebook posts talking about:

  1. Podesta's obsession with the occult

  2. The "Disgusting Clinton Crime Syndicate

A journalist (Laura Rozen) from Al Monitor tweeted out screen caps of his facebook posts in March 2017 trying to bash him. Link below:


So, in case anons get discouraged from time to time that things aren't going as we expect, or along our anticipated timeline… have no fear. The Clintons will be prosecuted. Our job isn't to know specific dates, our job is to win hearts and minds from the Islamists/Cultural Marxists via memetic warfare.