amen brotherAnon. There is power in the name
Jesus. Whenever I had sleep paralysis and felt
Like demons around me, I would
Say that name they would
Leave and I would wake up. Now I
Am saved and it is amazing.
amen brotherAnon. There is power in the name
Jesus. Whenever I had sleep paralysis and felt
Like demons around me, I would
Say that name they would
Leave and I would wake up. Now I
Am saved and it is amazing.
The Bible is God breathed. It isn’t written by God via man’s hand. It is the one book of laws that the elite haven’t violated up until recently. Every prophecy in the Bible is 100% smack on.
Go take ur Bible is fake shilling elsewhere. The Lord rebuke you. In Jesus name
I see my spirit unsettles your ur demons. They didn’t write it. If you read it you would know this. It’s amazing how many idiots read something on the net that confirms their bias against something and then uses that as fact instead of reading the doc them self
Oh wait, that’s what you,
Shill, do all the time. Never realizing you’re being played to do the devils work. How’s your life going w ur current set of beleif systems? It’s not? Bc u exist in lies. Read and then debate.
I won’t agrue it with you. I was an atheist. I spent 20 Years in science and academics. I studied every religion and eastern school well over 20. I had an experience and saw Jesus. Came back, read the Bible well over 59 times and researched it to the Greek and Hebrew. The word of God has been distorted for profit.
Just bc you saw a doc or read something on the net, doesn’t make it true. Your leaders worship Satan. The same ppl
That fell u God isn’t real worship Satan. What’s that tell you!?!?!?! What do they know that u don’t? They’re is a real war for souls going on. You guys need to wake up bc the deception goes really deep and has blinded the masses over the last 2000 years.
I suggest u guys read the word of God before you blasphemy it
And condemn urselves to hell over “being right”
About what u saw in doc or read in the net verses a 6000 years old message from God that NO one messed w (up until recently). There are many mysteries in there. Many. The holy grail is right there in it. Right in front of eveyone and no one is reading it. Shame