Anonymous ID: bfab32 Nov. 25, 2018, 12:05 a.m. No.4021416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1568 >>1582 >>1608 >>1615 >>1628 >>1631 >>1652 >>1698 >>1812

>>4020641 pb


Re the purpose of the Great Awakening


Here are my thoughts.


I'm not sure that any of us know what this movement is all about in its entirety. There are elements we're aware of, and meme making and distribution is one of them, as is prayer.


Research–well, I'm not always sure what it is for, exactly, because the way we do research here is rather extraordinary and heavily reliant on synchronicity. Real-world research relies upon close communication between a research team. That's not possible here. There are anons doing digs on the same topic but we are very lucky to run into even one other anon online when we're posting. And unless we're talking about the topic we both dig on, we won't even know we're here!!!


Sometimes bakers won't notable stuff we've been digging on for hours and we have to deal with that reality. We can't go to someone in authority and say, "you know my work, trust me." So digging here requires a lot of surrender to circumstance, and –wait for it–trusting the plan!!!


In the end, if one dig doesn't work out, I look for something else. Often, the results of the "rejected" dig come in handy in some other context down the line.


Then there's another purpose which is to support one another as anons and patriots. One is more personal the other more professional, but both matter. This is hard work and sometimes harsh work. Support is important, and that's why conversations among anons matter.


And it also gives us the chance to share ideas and research. When I post something, another anon will often give me a lead to some new source I don't know about. It's great, thanks to all the unselfish diggers who work to help other diggers go deeper.


We may also be serving a propaganda purpose: to scare the hell out of the MSM and other opposition forces.


To tell you the truth, I often feel that my own resources are pretty limited. I can't cover all the latest news at once, I'm only one person. Where shall I look every am when I wake up? Where is the news? I never know. Half the time, I find an article that's stale that would have been great, say, a week before. Happens a lot when I trace back stuff to its roots, which are usually in the past. But because there are so many of us, we still manage to find stuff out that the MSM would like to keep quiet. And the output is pretty massive; just look at the notables (and there's even more diamonds still in each of the breads).


Another thing I've noticed about Q movement is that it's like Basic Training for both the mind and the spirit. It compels people to use logic, to cite evidence, and to generally provide good support for all that we say and so. If we don't do that, some anon is sure to come back with "Sauce???" (Or worse.)


As for the "training for the Spirit," being here is sometimes like being in a crazy training arena where stuff is flying at you from all sides, especially if you dare to say or do something people don't like. And we have to be able to do that, if we want to be any good to Q movement. We can't just fall into groupthink and still be effective in the work. But getting shredded isn't fun; nor is it fun to make stupid mistakes, which is also necessary because it goes along with risk taking. Anyone who plays it safe all the time weakens both themselves and all of us as a group. Some anon posted something about speaking up boldly, or something like that, and it inspired me. Being able to boldly express ourselves–and argue intelligently–helps us develop both as individuals and as a movement. It takes guts to do it, but it develops the moral muscles we'll need when we confront real enemies, not just frenemies.


Last, we may be a decoy for some other operation, as in "Look at the Q movement, OMG!!!" while something else is going on that needs to be stealthy. (But we'll never know about that, will we???)

Anonymous ID: bfab32 Nov. 25, 2018, 12:10 a.m. No.4021447   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is always a touchy issue. Hard to contemplate. I saw the title of the current bread. Hmmmm……where can we go with this without descending into arguing over things we cannot easily prove or disprove?

Anonymous ID: bfab32 Nov. 25, 2018, 12:20 a.m. No.4021503   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Re mother and children fall into razor wire trying to cross the border


Fuck all, why are these always the stories that get covered? I'm not against covering any story, but we haven't been hearing that much about the 100 mothers and children that went missing from the caravan or week or two ago?


Here – I went looking for info online. It wasn't easy to find, buried already under other reports……..


"""No criminals in the migrant caravan? Tell that to the mothers of the 100 missing"""

November 12, 2018 MJA Uncategorized 4


American Thinker:


The mainstream press has gone to great pains to tell us the migrant caravan making its way from Honduras to the U.S. has no criminals. Here’s the Washington Post:


The Trump administration has provided no evidence that criminals, members of the MS-13 gang or people of Middle Eastern descent form part of the caravan. Trump has been criticized for profiling people of Middle Eastern descent with these remarks.


In fact, the caravan is often billed as a refuge from criminals, a safety-in-numbers bid that allows migrants to avoid having to pay coyotes for the expensive $8,000 journey. As the New York Times reported:


The large size of the caravan, though making for slow progress, has provided participants with safety from the thieves and gangs that prey on migrants in Mexico. It has also apparently discouraged the Mexican authorities from trying to detain all of them.


There’s just one problem with that:


Back near the Guatemalan border end of the journey back in late October, at least one migrant kid was kidnapped right there. Now a hundred migrants have disappeared from this caravan. Apparently someone rolled a truck up, told the migrants they were getting a free ride, lured them in, and nobody’s seen them since. Their crying kids should be fine fodder on the hip of some trafficker as he seeks to get in as a “family unit” claiming asylum and benefits from “catch and release.” The women may end up in border brothels. The men may end up as drug mules or in mass graves. The perverse incentive to kidnap is already there, and sure enough, some criminal likely embedded in the group started harvesting.


Now NBC and The Hill are reporting that migrant women are organizing as a group to find their lost children on these journeys, which would have to include the current caravan, which up until now has been justified as a “safe” way for migrants to travel.


There's more, but that's the gist. What happened to THEM? Were they recovered? Why doesn't anybody care about the dangers these families face?

Anonymous ID: bfab32 Nov. 25, 2018, 12:32 a.m. No.4021564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1587




I heard the guy claiming that Russia is coming to save the caravans. Not really convincing but you have to maintain an open mind, at least….


But the UN is definitely making mischief with the caravans; just look at Ami Horowitz's film, which shows them traveling with the caravans and offering all kinds of support. If it weren't for his film, I wouldn't even know about it, and I've been researching it for over two weeks!


I'm sure the info has been available somewhere, but it's not out in the open where ordinary people can find it. Especially if they have no idea it exists.

Anonymous ID: bfab32 Nov. 25, 2018, 12:49 a.m. No.4021630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Your point about refining the work is a good one. If I can't get someone's attention about a post, I'll often go dig the hell out of it and make it so solid that's it's impossible to ignore. (Well, I'm not sure THAT's true, really, but I do find when I make that kind of investment that it somehow shifts the energy around the situation.)


I didn't get a chance to look deeply into everything you posted because it was end of bread. I was still sitting there writing at the end.


But it's part of my experience although I can be extremely logical in my work, I see mystery everywhere I look. And there is plenty of it here. Just look at the focus on numbers; the number fags aren't just interested in numbers, they have a special "feel" for them–as I have a special appreciation for what is not expressed and unseen about a situation. Sometimes, anyways.


So as far as intentions go, I don't always just go by what is explicitely said or written, especially here, where there is both disinformatin and many layers of meaning to everything Q communicates.


But I very much like the idea of discussing these things. Thx, anon.

Anonymous ID: bfab32 Nov. 25, 2018, 12:50 a.m. No.4021639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1643



Everyone needs to make a living. Don't condemn people for that unless you have a way for them to survive in a world that is SUPER EXPENSIVE to live in. How do you making your living? (Or should I ask?)

Anonymous ID: bfab32 Nov. 25, 2018, 1 a.m. No.4021675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1681



You are right. When Paloma reported, the report was great, because she's fluent. But the media–including Fox–could get fluent spanish speakers who would actually report the news, who would tell us "the UN is here."


But they don't. I think they are afraid (Fox) or complicit, or both. Yes? Americans should have to speak Spanish to find out what's happening. People like Paloma shouldn't have to go by herself into a dangerous situation in order to tell us what's going on. She did it because nobody else would.


The UN is involved bigtime and we've barely scratched the surface of what they are doing, Soros is going, the radical leftwing groups who are "hands-on" are going (both in Mexico and in the US). There is a VAST sum of money changing hands and 95% of it is virtually untraceable.


You are absolutely right about the way people were recruited. They had high expectations, not beans and rice. The level of deception around the caravan(s) is absolutely mind-boggling. A reporter on Fox just told Ami H a few days ago that he was "shocked " to learn the caravans are highly organized.

Anonymous ID: bfab32 Nov. 25, 2018, 1:39 a.m. No.4021804   🗄️.is 🔗kun

товарищ = Comrade.


I can no longer read Russian, but I don't have much interest if you're going to begin with a Bolshevik form of address.

Anonymous ID: bfab32 Nov. 25, 2018, 1:44 a.m. No.4021815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1827 >>1843



Some things anger me more than others. When I think of Scalia….what a bloody waste of a great man and a great intellect. And after what those judges go thru if they are Republicans to get to the SC. And then to treat the investigation into his death so cavalierly….Well, there's no use in dwelling on it. Better to dig and delve into the facts, finding out whatever is possible to know–and hope that someone knows enough to prosecute the higher ups who are responsible.


Thx anon for the info. I will screenshot it.

Anonymous ID: bfab32 Nov. 25, 2018, 2:10 a.m. No.4021914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1929 >>2117



Q tells us a lot of stuff that's not classified but not known, either….it's more like it's dangerous knowledge, unless you have to power to arrest the people who put out hits on others.


I haven't dug on this topic, but I know even with casual knowledge that nobody really investigated his death–a lot like Vince Foster.


Thx for the reminder of this Q drop with the [SC/LL deal AS 187]. I try to remember everything but really just jumped into all this in March. Bill, Hillary & Huma are directly implicated.