The Chatham House candidate. Slightly more right wing than Merkle. Still a part of the system. Still compromised. Probably fucked a kid. They are pushing him hard at the moment but he's got no support aside from the technocrats. Still, it hints at a change of strategy from the EU. You will note that it is rebranding itself as THE UNION, rather than the EUROPEAN UNION. Personally, I think they are going to make a play for North Africa and bring Morrocco, Tunisia and Libya into their Union.
>when you realize that the Matrix is an understatement, it is really really hard to continue to participate, huh
Indeed. It takes some thought adjustment.
>This just doesn't add up to humans being in control or money being the agenda.
Not humans as we would know them. Homo Sapien Sapien, Homo Superia, Homo non Homo, Homo Memetica, just jamming now…
>This is purely about power.
What is power? Some weapons? An army? The control of energy and consciousness? The direction of individual collective consciousness?
>I can see why all the race mixing and open borders stuff is relevant.
Mystery Schools and powerful psychics have been chatting with the spirits for hundreds and thousands of years. They keep coming back to a new root race that will appear soon with the global mixing of people. X-Men. Tomorrow People. TV shows give you the idea. Many illumines are as materialistic as we are. They project the mixing as race mixing of people rather than a spiritual consciousness mixing. That is why they promote race mixing as they believe that the Tomorrow People will be mixed race. It's retarded. I've got nothing against race mixing. Should be an individuals choice rather than a meme.
>feels like this all adds up to our planet being a farm, pure and simple.
When cattle escape the farm and go off into the wild they quickly start to regress/evolve back into their wild state. One of the big changes is that their horns start to grow back much larger.
I agree anon. I was hoping my meme itself would demonstrate that with the over the top theatrics of Anton Le Vey but I clearly missed the mark. Satanism is all meme. It's basically about keeping people locked in their lower chakras.
>anon, there is ZERO hope for you
That is very Christian of you. Who made you the judge? Did you just appoint yourself because you think you understand the bible more than other people? Lots of love. No homo.
All the Houses?