Why do "anons" us GOOGLE DEEP DREAM AI image-processing technology on /ourguys/– and never our enemies?
Is this organic?
Is this "anon" organic?
How much is organic here?
Are there entities that would seek to control this board?
What is GOOGLE doing with all its AI tech (other than allowing it fuck up Pepe, and POTUS in pictures)
Look at the posts that constitute the vast majority of each thread on this board– could they be emulated by the top shelf AI, working with computing power that is networked almost limitlessly via various forms of injected malware, as well as GIGANTIC DATA quantities?
What is GOOGLE doing with all its POWER?
Saving it?
Or trying to control things NOW?
Why are we here?
Do anons question, or sit passively like sheep?
Do anons pay attention here?
What is organic?
This response → >>4023524
Appeared as I began this post I am making.
What is organic here?
If you ask an "anon" a basic due-diligence question as the image did, what is a reaslistic response?
Does the system of fakeness hide behind "chan" cliches?
Is this post organic, or "trying too hard"?
Will this "anon" be able to interact like a human, if humans push it a bit?
Do humans make any effort though?
This anon often attacks the fakeness, but believes that other anons must do it as well.
FIGHT anons.
The war is [here]
Is our job to sit and watch passively?
What would give you that impression?
Is that what Q said?
"We can guide, but you must uncover the truth"
compared to
"All we have to do is sit and watch events unfold"
What is keeping us passive here?
Why are we waiting for Q to do something?
Why aren't we uncovering the truth?
What allows this board to be drowned in fakeness, thread after thread?
Is there ANY EFFORT from the top to counteract any of it?
What leadership do we get from the top here (BO, BVs, bakers)? Do anons question it?
Or remain passive?
We are [HERE] for a reason– what is it?
WE must uncover the truth– what are we waiting for?
It is pushed over and over and over.
Is this anon organic?
Explain you obsession with the "puke style" memes anon. Why are you here? What is the seed image for the "puke style" memes?
How would a normal human answer these questions? What will this "anon" do?
Do anons question?
Do they ask WHY we are here being CONTINUALLY co-opted by a system of fakeness?
Or are anons waiting passively for something?
Waiting to be spoonfed?
Even diggers waiting in uncertainty until given a direct clue?
What are we waiting for?
Are we supposed to be sheep?
Can anons question bullshit here?
If they can't, are they sheep?