CNN confirm
yes, have you?
< we don't do that, now. we used to, when we were jews….
give it up. i do not feel like being interviewed, you fux have been crushed, lurk or gtfo.
and then some. have you read the gospel according to Mary? the gospel according to Judas? have you researched the politics behind the canonization? hmmmmm…?
i believe in a Creator, but my opinion is not important here. this is a research board, or used to be…
and that is why you are an oxymoron
w3 sure was a hit, huh
you did not answer he question, faggot
it is this kind of conflation and outright bullshit that led to my deprogramming - starting in my early teens.
i am ready to receive an answer to my question, obfuscationfag: HAVE YOU READ THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MARY? simple yes or no, faggot
and anon said team spirograph was AWOL. kek
preview of coming attractions @ Norfolk NAS, imho 40,000 feet
wtaf did you just say?
it is very condescending to include non-believers in your construct. you are operating from an invalid perceived position of moral superiority.
like going to an island to bring Jesus to the pagans, and getting killed for believing that you are doing something that
wants, believes, holds dear, SHOULD ACCEPT IF THEY WERE AS SMART AS YOU.
allah akhbar, faggot.
right on. don't filter me for quoting Wictor, but he posted vid of Basij commanders pulling beat cops off protestors almost a year ago. and pics and vid were making it out, despite the regime taking down comm infrastructure. i would guess Saudi Stingrays. the current revolution in Iran started a while ago.
planefag cap of plane changing call sign in mid-flight, and landed at the 'other' Tehran airport. Dec. 31, 2017
my deprogramming led to atheism. getting a BS in Physics brought me back to my Creator. Math IS the language of the universe. is life the universe's attempt to comprehend itself?
no pi 4 u
what enquiring minds REALLY want to know: so was Lot's wife a salty bitch or not?
for the masses, not discerning anons. set-up. try harder.
plz note that 1980 is after the revolution, while hostages were still being held. world's richest man arms dealer uncle A K-shog made a deal with IRAN AND ISRAEL.
lurk moar yesterday
from August, anything else besides an unconfirmed report, with no picture, and a lot less gaslighting?
may be a plea deal in the works? who here thinks Bannon is on the outside looking in? Gen. Flynn? cumonanons
attack? are we melting? kek
but you still posted every single day, huh
iD10T error.
$100,000 / 7,000 equal $14.28 each. wow, what a gal.
you get a taco, and you get a taco - EVERYBODY GETS A TACO! and a chance to climb the wall!