Anonymous ID: ef0697 Nov. 25, 2018, 6:29 a.m. No.4022928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3036 >>3044 >>3097 >>3118 >>3334 >>3431

The recent chief justice john roberts statement has me thinking. I believe the FISC was a uniparty creation, designed to give the deep state extra-legal powers never intended by the Constitution. The FISC operated under the (((wink wink, nod nod))) principle. The obama administration knew this coming in, and used it as leverage against roberts. "Vote for my obamacare bullshit or we'll expose you." How else could roberts twist himself into a legal pretzel one way for one decision, then twist himself into the exact opposite pretzel for the other bad decision. roberts had been dirtied up by bush. whether bush told obama or it was general knowledge within the upper echelons of government, it's now easy to see how the FISC operated so sloppily. They were a secret, wrapped in the veil of legitimacy, protected by the DOJ/FBI. Two branches of government scratching each others backs. If you look at robert's statement towards President Donald J. Trump, it becomes clear he can believe it on it's face, but not for the reason he portrays.