Anonymous ID: 499bc7 Nov. 25, 2018, 9:10 a.m. No.4024058   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Efforts to Obtain Unredacted Info on Mueller’s ‘Pitbull’ Weissmann Obstructed by Weissmann Deep State Apprentice


As the corrupt and unconstitutional Mueller witchhunt continues, efforts are underway to obtain unredacted information related to Mueller’s ‘pitbull’ Andrew Weissmann. Weissman’s egregious actions in the Enron case a decade ago are being covered up. Obtaining this information will no doubt show more massive corruption by this Mueller gang member.


CNN treats the Mueller team as if it were a group of modern day heroes, but nothing could be further from the truth. The Mainstream Media will just not report the truth about the gang of mobsters from the FBI and DOJ that joined the corrupt Mueller team.


The entire Mueller gang is corrupt and should be under investigation (like former gang members Peter Strzok and Lisa Page). Instead they are running amuck investigating the President and anyone near him for any semblance of a crime. They all have conflicts of interest after being supporters of Hillary Clinton and even representing her in court. One individual with a corrupt past was at Hillary Clinton’s November 2016 election party, Andrew Weissmann.


The Federalist reported that Weissmann has a history of ethics violations –


Since Weissmann took a leave of absence from his top Department of Justice job to join the special counsel’s team, critics have questioned his impartiality. Reports suggest the man branded Mueller’s pit bull by the New York Times violated internal protocol when he met with reporters from the Associated Press in April 2017. The following day, the AP published an exposé on Paul Manafort’s relationship with Ukraine officials.


Then news broke that twice-demoted Department of Justice attorney Bruce Ohr kept Weissmann “in the loop” about the dossier penned by former MI6 British spy Christopher Steele and used to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant to surveil President Trump’s campaign.


Ohr, who apparently had no official role in the Russia investigation, has come under fire for feeding the FBI intel from Steele following the latter’s termination as an informant. Ohr’s purported communications with Weissmann raise the question of whether the top DOJ lawyer likewise sidestepped FBI protocols concerning sources.


These facts raise serious concerns about Weissmann’s continued service on the special counsel’s team and justify delving further into the career of the long-time federal prosecutor.


Both The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway and former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell have exposed Weissmann’s reckless win-until-reversed modus operandi that has destroyed countless lives. Weissmann’s tactics sent four Merrill Lynch executives to prison, until a federal appellate court overturned their convictions and freed the men—but not before upending their lives.


Also, Weissmann’s prosecution of former accounting giant Arthur Andersen for its role in the Enron collapse shuttered the firm, leaving tens of thousands of people unemployed. Several years later the Supreme Court unanimously reversed the Arthur Andersen conviction, but it was too late by then to undo the harm Weissmann had caused.


One truth seeker on the Internet, Techno Fog on Twitter, announced that he was going to request information on Weissman related to his corrupt actions from a decade ago. He claims Weissmann took part in egregious prosecutorial misconduct in the Enron case a decade ago. The information released to the public to date is redacted –

Anonymous ID: 499bc7 Nov. 25, 2018, 9:12 a.m. No.4024075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4109 >>4150 >>4274 >>4352 >>4375

6.3 magnitude earthquake hits Iran-Iraq border


A magnitude 6.3 earthquake has struck northeast of Baghdad. It has been felt in Iraq, Kuwait, and northern Iran.


The quake hit the Iran-Iraq border region and had a depth of 10 kilometers, according to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC).


It noted that it struck an area with low population.

Anonymous ID: 499bc7 Nov. 25, 2018, 9:17 a.m. No.4024125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4150 >>4274 >>4352

UK MPs seize documents expected to expose Facebook's covert data harvesting


The UK Parliament has taken hold of documents from Facebook that may shed light on the online giant's carefree approach to user privacy amid claims that it was fully aware of user data loopholes exploited by Cambridge Analytica.


The documents were seized from the founder of US tech startup Six4Three, who was on a business trip to the UK, the Guardian reported, citing MP Damian Collins, chair of the Commons select committee for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). The DCMS is in charge of investigating a siphoning of Facebook user data by UK consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica. The news on the massive data breach broke in March with Facebook later admitting the data of up to 87 million people might have been shared with Cambridge Analytica without their explicit consent.


It is alleged that the data was harvested to target the users in political campaigns, including in former UKIP leader Nigel Farage's Leave.EU campaign.


The UK parliamentary investigators used the former Six4Three top executive's brief stay in London to force him to hand over documents his firm had obtained from a US court in Six4Three's own lawsuit against Facebook.


The Guardian reported that the tech entrepreneur was warned he might go to jail or face a hefty fine if he refuses to comply with the British authorities' request.


The documents, which are now to be reviewed by the British MPs, are said to include a confidential correspondence between Facebook's senior officials, including Mark Zuckerberg, who has so far snubbed requests to testify before parliament.


The lawsuit Six4Three, an app-developing startup, brought against Facebook back in 2015, alleges that Zuckerberg was personally involved in a "malicious and fraudulent scheme" and deliberately left loopholes for data-harvesting companies to fend off competition.


The documents are expected to reveal the scope of the Facebook CEO's involvement in the alleged scheme.

Anonymous ID: 499bc7 Nov. 25, 2018, 9:20 a.m. No.4024145   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EU - Astonishing Social Media Check Before Bank Loan


Want to borrow money? In the EU, bankers stopped looking at your credit history alone a long time ago apparently.


Banks are interested in the personality of their customers. Smart algorithms create risk profiles and scores through online personality tests. Too much self-confidence: down one point. Said or liked something extreme on social media, down one point…


The Dutch company AdviceRobo, which has developed software already being used in 10 EU countries, takes it one step further and screens your social media accounts and search histories.


Related coverage: Canada – Outrage Over Government’s Banking Data Access Grows (Video).


The technology fits into a trend in which algorithms penetrate ever deeper into people's daily lives.


According to Mr. Diederick van Thiel, director of AdviceRobo, this kind of evolution is absolutely normal: “Last year, a total of one million EU consumers received banking advice with the help of our algorithms. That number is set to double this year.”


Results of questionnaires, social media and surfing behavior draw up so-called psychometric models. These are then combined with the credit history of the new customer, if available.


Mr. Van Thiel: “We want to gain insight into who you really are. What drives people. Can you put your money aside and buy that expensive car? "


AdviceRobo, in which global financial service provider KPMG recently took a stake, is interested, for example, in the self-confidence of a new customer. “Too much self-confidence is not good, because those people take too many risks. But too little is not liked either.”

Anonymous ID: 499bc7 Nov. 25, 2018, 9:21 a.m. No.4024156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4352

Google wants sensors and cameras in every room of your home to watch, analyze, you, patents show



Google has patents for smart home devices that can eavesdrop on everything going on in our homes, all under the guise of sending us targeted ads for our “convenience.”


What we’ve already given up in terms of privacy is nothing compared to what’s coming, PJ Media reported.


The patents, although not a guarantee the products will be developed, reveal that Google wants “sensors and cameras mounted in every room to follow us and analyze what we’re doing throughout our home,” the report states.

What are some examples?


The cameras are so sensitive they can, for example, identify the image of a movie star on a resident’s t-shirt. That image can then be matched to the resident’s internet browsing history. In turn, Google can send them an ad for a new movie with their favorite star.


All of the information can be analyzed and reported at Google’s whim.


Patent No. 10,114,351, states the company can “use smart-devices to monitor activities within a smart-device environment, report on these activities, and/or provide smart-device control based upon these activities.”


The patent also outlines how the internet giant wants to track people throughout the home, observing them in every room:


“By way of example, the high-power processor 20 and the low-power processor 22 may detect when a location (e.g., a house or room) is occupied (i.e., includes a presence of a human), up to and including whether it is occupied by a specific person or is occupied by a specific number of people (e.g., relative to one or more thresholds). In one embodiment, this detection can occur, e.g., by analyzing microphone signals, detecting user movements (e.g., in front of a device), detecting openings and closings of doors or garage doors, detecting wireless signals, detecting an internet protocol (IP) address of a received signal, detecting operation of one or more devices within a time window, or the like. Moreover, the high-power processor 20 and the low-power processor 22 may include image recognition technology to identify particular occupants or objects.”


The patent was awarded to one of Google’s development teams associated with the Nest thermostat.


“While there are many good uses for adding sensors for home automation, the danger comes when they are being monitored and used by outside companies with an insatiable desire to know everything about us,” PJ Media noted.


The Atlantic explains it further:


“A second patent proposes a smart-home system that would help run the household, using sensors and cameras to restrict kids’ behavior. Parents could program a device to note if it overhears ‘foul language’ from children, scan internet usage for mature or objectionable content, or use ‘occupancy sensors’ to determine if certain areas of the house are accessed while they’re gone— for example, the liquor cabinet. The system could be set to ‘change a smart lighting system color to red and flash the lights’ as a warning to children or even power off lights and devices if they’re grounded.”


The Atlantic also noted that Google can, even without cameras, use speakers to “recognize the noises you make as you move around the house.”


“The auditory inferences are startling: Google’s smart-home system can infer if a household member is working from an audio signature of keyboard clicking, a desk chair moving, and/or papers shuffling,” the Atlantic states. “Google can make inferences on your mood based on whether it hears raised voices or crying, on when you’re in the kitchen based on the sound of the fridge door opening, on your dental hygiene based on ‘the sounds and/or images of teeth brushing.'”

Is any of this regulated?


The short answer is no.


There are virtually no laws nor oversight to stop tech giants from peering deeply into our lives and then selling whatever they can off to the highest bidders.

Anonymous ID: 499bc7 Nov. 25, 2018, 9:23 a.m. No.4024177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4194

Judge Rejects George Papadopoulos’s Bid To Delay Prison Sentence


A federal judge has ordered George Papadopoulos to report to prison on Monday, rejecting the former Trump campaign aide’s attempt to delay his sentence while the special counsel’s probe is being challenged in a separate legal case.


Papadopoulos, who will serve his 14 day sentence in Wisconsin, filed a motion on Nov. 16 seeking to delay his prison sentence. But Judge Randolph Moss ruled that Papadopoulos had not shown how the investigation, which is being led by special counsel Robert Muller, is illegal. He also noted that Papadopoulos had failed to appeal his own conviction within a timely manner.


Papadopoulos was sentenced to 14 days in prison on Sept. 7 for lying to the FBI about the timing and extent of his contacts with Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese professor who Papadopoulos met shortly after he joined the Trump campaign.


Mifsud told Papadopoulos on April 26, 2016, that he had learned the Russian government had “dirt” on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands” of her emails.


The FBI would open its counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign’s possible links to the Kremlin based on information about Papadopoulos. The catalyst was a tip from the Australian government that Papadopoulos had told Australian diplomat Alexander Downer in May 2016 that Russia had derogatory information about Clinton.


Papadopoulos has denied seeing, handling, or disseminating any emails. Mueller and the special counsel’s office did not accuse him of conspiring with Mifsud, the Russian government or anyone on the Trump campaign.

Anonymous ID: 499bc7 Nov. 25, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.4024188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4300

Incoming Mexico gov’t: No deal to host US asylum-seekers



MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s incoming government says it does not plan to assume the role of “safe third country” for migrants seeking asylum in the U.S. after Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is sworn in as president on Dec. 1.


Incoming Interior Minister Olga Sanchez says in a statement Saturday: “There is no agreement of any sort between the incoming Mexican government and the U.S. government.”


She said the future government’s principal concern related to the migrants is their well-being in Mexico.


The Washington Post reported Saturday that the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump has won support from the president-elect’s team for asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their claims move through U.S. courts.


The White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Anonymous ID: 499bc7 Nov. 25, 2018, 9:27 a.m. No.4024221   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Theresa May Writes ‘Letter to the Nation’ Begging Support for ‘Worst Deal in History’


Theresa May has written a “letter to the nation” begging the public to support her Brexit deal, which has been signed off by EU leaders but could be voted down in Parliament by Tory Brexiteers and Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP).


The Prime Minister has agreed to pay a £39 billion+ divorce settlement to the EU and submitted to a lengthy “transition” period after Brexit in which Britain will remain subject to all EU rules and regulations, without any representation in EU institutions, during which a future relationship can be negotiated.


If one cannot be struck in time, the “transition” can be extended for up to two years, or the United Kingdom and European Union will enter into “backstop” arrangements which the UK cannot leave without permission, and which would involve the UK continuing adopting EU regulations on goods, competition, state aid, and more, as interpreted by EU judges, and establish a “single customs territory” which largely duplicates the EU Customs Union.


Theresa May does not enjoy an outright majority in Parliament, having to rely on Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) to pass legislation — and the Brexit-supporting party has vowed to vote against the deal, over additional provision in the backstop which would leave their Province subject to additional EU obligations in order to keep the border with the Irish Republic open.


Dozens of Brexiteer Tories have also vowed to vote against the deal, all but guaranteeing that it will not be ratified — and compelling the Prime Minister to go over politicians’ head to appeal directly to the public for support in this letter to the nation:


“When I became your prime minister, the United Kingdom had just voted to leave the European Union.


“From my first day in the job, I knew I had a clear mission before me – a duty to fulfil on your behalf: to honour the result of the referendum and secure a brighter future for our country by negotiating a good Brexit deal with the EU.


“Throughout the long and complex negotiations that have taken place over the last year and a half, I have never lost sight of that duty.


“Today, I am in Brussels with the firm intention of agreeing a Brexit deal with the leaders of the other 27 EU nations.


“It will be a deal that is in our national interest – one that works for our whole country and all of our people, whether you voted ‘Leave’ or ‘Remain’.


“It will honour the result of the referendum.


“We will take back control of our borders, by putting an end to the free movement of people once and for all.


“Instead of an immigration system based on where a person comes from, we will build one based on the skills and talents a person has to offer.”

Anonymous ID: 499bc7 Nov. 25, 2018, 9:30 a.m. No.4024249   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Shame on’ Anti-Government Protesters, Says Macron as France Revolts over Green Fuel Tax


French president Emmanuel Macron has painted swathes of anti-tax-hike protesters as violent amid calls for his resignation over his ‘progressive’ policies.


President Macron said Saturday: “Shame on those who attacked [police and emergency services]. Shame on those who have abused other citizens and journalists. Shame on those who tried to intimidate the elect. [There is] no place for this violence in the Republic.”


The French leader made the comments after the eighth day of action by the ‘Gilets Jaunes’ — Yellow Vests or Yellow Jackets — who have been staging protests on streets across France against a sharp rise in fuel taxes, wearing the signature yellow vests of French drivers.


The BBC reports that on Saturday, some 100,000 protesters took part in events across the country. Most were peaceful, apart from reports of violence at an 8,000-person march in the capital, Paris.


While the rise of world oil prices has contributed to the increase in tax — 23 per cent in 12 months — the Macron government raised the carbon tax this year by 3.9 euro-cents per litre on petrol and 7.6 euro-cents per litre on diesel as part of the progressive president’s pledge for ‘cleaner’ cars.


Macron’s plans to further increase taxes by 6.5 euro-cents on diesel and 2.9 euro-cents on petrol in the new year was seen as the catalyst for the first protests last week.


However, the protests have evolved to focus on not just fuel prices, but against the cost of living in rural areas and other policies, with protesters calling Macron the “president of the rich.”


Despite some reported violence against emergency services and media, the French people are backing the Yellow Vests in large numbers.


Breitbart London reported Sunday that the Gilets Jaunes are supported by eight in ten Frenchmen. Of those questioned whether they thought the group was ‘inherently violent,’ 62 per cent said they refused to believe so, while 77 per cent said they were “brave,” and 78 per cent said the protesters worked for the “common interest.”

Anonymous ID: 499bc7 Nov. 25, 2018, 9:41 a.m. No.4024361   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russian Warplanes Eliminate Militants Responsible For Chemical Attack On Aleppo


On November 25, the Ministry of Defense of Russia announced that warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces had carried out airstrikes on positions of militants who attacked the northern Syrian city of Aleppo with chemical weapons a day earlier.


According to the Russian MoD, intelligence services located the weapons that were used to launch the chemical attack within the demilitarized zone, which was established around the governorate of Idlib under the Russian-Turkish deconfliction agreement. Information collected by the Russian intelligence also revealed that the militants were planning to launch another chemical attack on Aleppo.


Syrian opposition sources confirmed that Russian warplanes conducted several airstrikes on the districts of Rashideen and Khan Tuman northwest of Aleppo. Both districts are controlled by the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL).


More than one hundred civilians, including children, were reportedly intoxicated as a result of the chemical attack on Aleppo. The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) said that the attack was carried out with rockets containing chlorine gas.


The Russian airstrikes, which are the first since September, will likely deter the militants and force them to respect the deconfliction agreement.