Thanks for the fresh bread CMCF.
Here are the relevant posts from today.
No connections, just today's Q posts, House of Cards posts and a dig on Koala.
Thanks for the fresh bread CMCF.
Here are the relevant posts from today.
No connections, just today's Q posts, House of Cards posts and a dig on Koala.
Thanks Anon.
Here is the other Castle clock. Not sure if there are connections or not.
Ignore the slides Anons. We are over target.
Today's POTUS tweet delta as a date stamp mirror.
Today is :55. Expect more comms today.
25:25 delta. From POTUS himself.
Be proud ClockFags.
I like the "coincidences" Anon.
Here is another dig on the deltas.
Might point out that the secondary :25 came after the comms were discussed here (check the time stamps). Makes them more likely to be relevant.
5:5 ClockFag
Probably another "coincidence".
Yes I saw that one as well. Was as fine a bit of autism as I have seen in a long while.
Maybe don't tell your wife that POTUS talks to US here. She will think you are crazy as well as obsessed. Voice of experience.
Interesting LF work from the main bread.
24:25 (true delta) versus 25:25 (individual time stamp subtraction) has a KEK.
Added it to the CLOCK.
This should maybe have been three separate clocks.
24:25 could point to Christmas as well as two rotations from :00 as an hour (putting it back at 12). 12/25?
Christmas Day would be a glorious marker for habbenings. Just saying.
03/06 was at marker :29.
New Year's Eve is the next time that marker comes up.
Here are the first markers for :29.
I guess POTUS was lurking here on the chans.
He posted an actual meme from here today. With treason reference and people behind bars.
Things are getting realโฆ in a hurry.
Got popcorn?
Here is the [D] [E] [C] [L] [A] [S] posts that I could find. Just the blank.
If it is a countdown we are at [6].
Here you go, ClockFags.
All the timestamp markers that KEK.
Could be a coincidence. ;-)
Squeezed it into my 6 delta clock.
DECLAS(SIFICATION) is habbening!!!
Not sure where to start.
It is all the cases I could find of DECLAS in the killbox as individual markers.
Matching timestamps are high lighted.
This is the latest version. Read from top right then around the clock. Notice the mirrors across the clock face.
Arose from a 6:00 delta today within POTUS tweets today.
Thanks for the updates CMCF. Still don't have images working. Will figure it out.
Noticed there are 63 uses of "who is" on the latest version. Seems there might be an "answer" in there to Q's posted question today.
Probably on the CLOCK. KEK.
I'm not sure I have such a folder. My files are a literal mess. Always.
When my desktop if full I dump it into a worktop folder. When it gets to big I rename it.
Is there an easy way to download them all at once? Like an archive link I used to get the program?
Thank you as always, SOCF.
I like the HRC. Not everyone KEKked on today's picture. That will get their attention.
Love when you leave it as {Figure it out} as well.
Not sure we should spoon feed the lazy retards of the chan world either. Not the Socratic method that Q has used so well with us. I like to try to leave the easy ones for the new ClockFags.
Proud to serve with all of (You).
HRC on the CLOCK.
Big blank so anyone can add. There is always more when you dig a little deeper.
Here is one mirrored date.
There is always more if you dig a little deeper.
New KEK for :58.
News unlocks map.
Vegas news today.
Also a couple oldies for this marker.
Here is a clock from tonight.
Calling it a day. Will follow on an ipad for a while.
Long day on the clock. Hope some ClockFag can carry this on.
Live Q is always exciting!!
Fresh KEKs on this clock. Think it was yours.
Better version.
Interesting time stamps.
BIG week.
Can't wait for some BOOMS.
Back on the CLOCK.
A nice LF catch on the main bread last night.
DoD has confirmed Clock before (see 5:50 connection that they did AFTER we discussed it here). Also there was that little crossing the Delaware photo from Christmas Day.
Nice clockwork, New ClockFag.
We are all guilty of making predictions. Not how it is supposed to work. If you look back and let news unlock the map then you will never be wrong. We will see how your prognostication works out.
It's hard to make predictions.
Especially about the future.
Yogi Bera
Start of a CLOCK for today. I am tired and don't think I can finish it. Will post it if someone wants a blank to start from.
The :01 markers (match today's date marker) and double 42's.
I always notice the double double stamps (that is a CDN joke by the way for a coffee order from Tim Hortons).
New Q that Fox News cancelled Hannity's guests. Not sure how that changes the time line.
Should we be reposting old clocks by marker? Q talks about how many coincidences until impossible. Even posted:
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
68โ95โ99.7 rule
Maybe we could collect them for a couple months then organize them into a presentation (even as a slide show by file name like Sequential File Name ClockFag's work)
Here is another ClockFags (CFCF/SFNCF work) Comey work with an added line.
Plus an old :02 clock.
Thanks for posting OldFag.
I enjoyed that book as well. "Who is Q". Great opening line.
Do you know what book starts with "On your knees, America."? You would enjoy it was well.
Could you do an image? This is an image board after all.
Maybe just the ID you mention? I have no easy way to go back to an old bread like that.
Here is the blank.
Was just looking for images.
Thought we could use some new graphics.
Glad you liked him.
Thought about going with wound instead.
Is a high quality image.
Stolen from here.
I found what you are asking about.
Perhaps some other ClockFags can comment on post numbering.
Thanks for posting it.
just search for "KEK meme generator" to make you own graphics.
Dropping this here as well. Another ClockFag had a :28 marker KEK.
Going to need fresh eyes in the morning.
We need to review always using EST
Latest Q post uses Dec 4, 2017 as date for post.
Was almost asleep.
Q dragged me back in. Like GF3.
On the CLOCK.
There are sooooo many stories about that kid in Colorado that it must be something. On ALL the networks/media.
Here is the blank (with a BBC articleโฆ one of hundreds I could have chosen).
Better version of Flynn Clock.
Happy Birthday General Flynn.
Added a bunch of KEKs.
This wasn't all the Flynn posts. Could be expanded.
I already clocked it for D5 (45 decoded so I liked that as well). I wonder how many of us fell for that? Guess will update with disclaimer
However, Christmas Eve is an intradesting date stamp.
Lots of clock habbenings on past markers. Christmas Eve this year is marker :22.
This clock just keeps giving.
Latest Q added.
Add the :19 delta.
XMAS on the CLOCK.
Full blank and cropped version.
Some background on an alternate meaning for XMAS.
Christmas Eve.
Was a wonderful day last year (as was Christmas).
I loved the DoD tweet of the Crossing the Delaware painting. Very convincing proof in the first few months.
I have a good feeling for this year as well. Christmas is the perfect time for a Great Awakening.
POTUS tweet timestamp from this AM is a mirror. KEK
Dec 6, 2018 10:17:47 AM Without the phony Russia Witch Hunt, and with all that we have accomplished in the last almost two years (Tax & Regulation Cuts, Judgeโs, Military, Vets, etc.) my approval rating would be at 75% rather than the 50% just reported by Rasmussen. Itโs called Presidential Harassment! [Twitter for iPhone]
Sorry to hear about spouse Anon. Will pray for a full and speedy recovery.
New clock for today and a theory of interest to CF's from the main bread.
Love you too Anon (no homo)
Here is a pure delta play.
Didn't really KEK with me but might have potential.
Clock for today from POTUS tweet time stamps.
Speculative but some KEKs.
Tried to apply same method to POTUS vs Q.
This has been done in past.
Two posts with exact same delta. Revised the clock to reflect this post.
Has possibilities.
Lots of fresh crumbs to follow.
Deltas matter.
Think about the fable of Hansel and Gretel. Lost children.
Follow the crumbs to build the bread.
We have it all.
Shouldn't we just repost stuff here? Makes it easy to compile and access. I sometimes find my files here versus on my computer.
Does anyone have a quick method for getting Trump timestamps with delta seconds calculated? Can they be pasted into a spreadsheet from somewhere?
I have been retyping but needs automation.
Think I might have got some special help with this one.
Just KEKked on some more "coincidences" on this CLOCK.
Look at the ID.
Nov. 7 was mirror from today.
Did I get my own personal message from Q (finally) or was this helpful Anon a coincidence?
I swear I didn't plan my 55. KEK willed it (again).
Some new "coincidences" from today.
Magic Sword. Remember Irish Anon's wedding congratulations? Seemed strange at the time. Going to find it and check out markers.
Made some revisions.
Trying to highlight the important KEKs at the :44 marker.
I always thought that, even though there weren't the habbenings we might have liked.
D5 was a marker date. We are now DDay+3.
We don't know what ops are planned for what day and Q isn't likely to share them.
Still trusting the plan. It will go swiftly when it happens. The waiting is the hardest part.
Tomorrow is :07. Good clocks in the past relating to this. Going to start a new clock soon. POTUS started already today.
I like it Anon. We had been calling :25 to :55 the Q line. Suggest we rename it 5by5 or CommsClear Line.
Perhaps it is just another example of a Key Line.
Perhaps they all are significant (a marker and it's :30 minute mirror) and we just found the most obvious ones first.
There are usually obvious connections directly across and Q has told us about mirrors enough that seems like a valid pursuit.
Do we need to be look at deltas on either side of these markers? There was at least one I remember like that.
It is amazing that POTUS could fly as Q0 and there is not ONE mention on MSM media about it. AF1 has been convention for a long time. I googled it and only found the tweet that Q posted.
This Q0 graphic is not a clock but will drop anyway.
Been thinking about post 1. The :44 marker.
There are lots of numbers and hints in that post that need a closer look.
Added them to your graphic. These two also appear to be important.
:07 might be as well.
Dark to Light KEKs.
I want this to be true.
:44 is a big marker (see my other clocks this bread).
Carpet bombs.
I like the wording better as well for the 10/30 connection.
:44 is the calm before the storm marker.
So many things fit. I know Q said they wouldn't reveal their plans but he also said nothing can stop what is coming.
POTUS Executive Order today is huge. These people will be stripped of their wealth and prestige. They won't be able to walk the streets.
Well done.
See this post.
I love :44 marker. Think I might have got my personal message over it.
I've been thinking about pre announcing plans of HRC arrest. Ultimate proof of Q. No one in the media will ask the question.
Beautiful troll by POTUS with the Q0 marker. NO stories at all in the media. Total blackout.
Here is another :44 clock.
This is awesome clock faggotry Anon.
Wonder about the other numbers in the post. I assume that was posted anonymously by team Q so the other numbers and markers are relevant. Good example in the bridge with the KEY graphic. There is more.
Stealing your work and adding it back to a full clock. The Flynn changes D5 to D24 birthday and the :44 bombs away connections are not coincidences.
Q said early on that their were X number of confirmed connections already. Nothing is random.
There is more to unwind ClockFags.
There is a sub connection as well to Russell.
Don't like the black background. Just saying.
Just added some KEKs to yours.
Anon, I know you are a horizontal/vertical mirror fag.
Did you KEK that the first Q post included reference to them? 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM
It is mirrored in this minute/second stamp with first image posted.
Any one have a KEK for 12:01am?
Didn't see any of the old :07 stuff brought up today. We had good KEKs here in the past.
Lucky 7's.
Interesting "coincidence" with the delta this morning.
Also half way between 7:45 and 8:30 is 8:07:30. :07 is our marker from yesterday. It was an interesting marker with DARK to LIGHT.
Added some more. On the clock.
More KEKs.
First revolution was 0 for 12:00 (midnight).
See this confirmation.
Maybe 7:00 is for 01/31?
Congratulations Anon.
Looks like you got a personal comms confirmation. Be proud.
Comms only for US.
Proud to ClockFag with all of (You).
Gonna check some deltas.
Thanks SOCF.
Are you going to continue updating them?
How will we know which version is updated?
Also I know you told me that you have only included the posts since Dec 07. Any consideration for doing a set going all the way back to the beginning? Maybe a "Vintage" theme?
Wonder if a sample of pure text ones (without a background image) would be possible. For the ADHD and OCD Anons who are distractable. Is this just a layer in GIMP? Can it be suppressed?
Your work is that of LEGEND Anon. For the history books. Stay sharp.
Can't wait to start reminiscing and story telling about the GREAT AWAKENING.
Maybe a HTML fag (is that still a thing?) could create a cover page that looks like a clock for you to link your clocks to.
Just shit posting ideas of things I can't do but would love for Christmas.
That and HRC finally arrested. Even for charity fraud.
Merry Christmas and all the best in 2019 to all my ClockFag brothers in arms.
5:5 Anon.
Just putting ideas out there. Thanks for this latest update. Fully appreciate all that you have done already.
My ClockFagging always includes a review of your three relevant images. Then some contemplation, load up a blank clock from CMCF and fire up his app, check out POTUS latest and see what comes out.
Still manually inputting data into a "calculate the difference" website for easy copy pasting back on clocks. Should have a spreadsheet or better method.
Sweet seconds stamps in the latest Q posts.
Bombs Away.
Comms Clear.
Bombs Away, Sir.
Check my last stamp.
:55 KEK willed it.
I am not the ClockFag who tries to time their posts. Not enough patience to wait.
Nice clock NewClockFag.
That is how it works. How many coincidences?
Nice graphic.
Going to need to take that one to the big screen tv.
There is more work for us to do, fellow ClockFags.
We have it all. We just haven't finished our work.
Be ready for the flood when someone asks POTUS the "Q"uestion.
Was amazing to see the total media blackout of the Q0 vs AF1 call sign story.
Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.
Redid this one as a smaller version.
First post and 55.
Nice KEKs.
POTUS for today.
:44 delta on seconds.
Don't like to do predictions. Will see if it happens and then the clock will confirm.
I am expecting some sort of habbenings around Christmas.
Hopefully HRC goes to jail for at least some Clinton Foundation charity fraud. They can release the more damning evidence after she is safely behind bars.
Still have a champagne bottle on chill for that glorious occasion.
Missed the added D.
Is this a [D] on our declass clock? Was waiting for a [L]
TRIAD is a good KEK as well (from another Anon in the main bread).
Interesting delta meme from a LF on the main bread.
Anon found a KEK for 12:01 reference on post #1
Nice clock Anon.
I made it more complicated (again) because some of those markers are significant so wanted to connect them.
I also am a firm believer that doubles (Double Doubles as I call them) are significant.
My first clocks were always the standard clock size but I ended up covering markers on the clock that I wanted to use.
Switched to doing blanks for a while (just the relevant posts with no lines) in the hopes that new fags would give it a try. Limited to no success.
Any Anon could add news items to an existing clock if there is some blank space in the image.
I also try to be aware that an entire segment of Anons are portable device fags. Big images are not going to work for them. Clocks that are too large or too complicated aren't good for social media (even the Anons complain about them).
Always remind people to take the files to a big screen tv (this is great for the SOCF images).
Looking forward to Christmas (whether HRC goes down or not). Last years was so fantastic with Q and the Department of Defense retweeting the Crossing the Delaware photo. Was a simple brilliant proof that Q is for real.
Stay on task Anons. We have accomplished so much already. Our roles will change after habbenings.
Be the calm in the storm.
Added some interesting ClockFag KEKs to this meme.
Here is a blank with the POTUS tweets for today and all the deltas.
POTUS tweet today had KEKs to this clock so I updated it.
Did I miss anything on the POTUS correction?
Just see the extra [a]. Will add to the DECLAS clock (along with the [E] airport KEK).
Just on the computer for first time since last night. Will catch up on main breads before anymore ClockFagging.
Always like to check what the Boss had to say first.
Thanks Anon.
Watching Fox News.
Here are my thoughts.
How do you introduce evidence?
It is all in the Flynn case.
Already before the court.
Meuller investigation will self destruct (according to THE PLAN).
Flynn will be cleared.
The real criminals can be arrested (Christmas would be a wonderful present to Patriots and Anons) and tried under the new Military Law tribunals that are effective Jan. 1
Unseal the indictments.
It will be swift.
Still working on DECLAS clock. There were lots of confirmations that need to be added.
Going to be a monster when it is done.
Help me out ClockFags.
I know I am missing some DECLAS letter KEKs.
If Anons point them out I will attempt to add them.
Haven't really even dug into the timestamps yet. Feel free to add anything you feel appropriate.
Nice Anon.
I see lots of KEKs in those markers.
:00 was 12/07
A date that will live in infamy.
We need some OUTRAGE!!!
We need some LIGHT.
No one else KEKked on Merriam-Webster naming "Justice" as the word of the year.
Is significant IMHO
Just did a quick Clock.
JUSTICE picture first post has a matching hour marker to today. KEK
We will let you know the day after.
Current final date on the clock is JFK birthday. Somewhat arbitrary (as was the 55th of his assassination).
That is a whole new KEK I have never even considered.
Hats off to you, fellow ClockFag.
And I thought the morse code D was autism squared!!!
There was a previous LODESTAR dig.
Not sure if related.
It wasn't a Q post or a POTUS tweet.
Maybe Pence used it?
Sorry but I don't recall exactly what it was.
Any other Anons remember?
Can I get some opinions on the belief being promoted on the main bread that only minute markers matter.
Q said to wind the clock with all markers. We have had all kinds of KEKs with hours, seconds and post numbers in addition to minutes.
Not sure why this opinion is out there. I firmly believe the seconds matter (and I know at least one or two of the regular ClockFags agree).
How about weighing in regular CFs (CM, SO, 4M, CF/SFN, et al)?
If we agree here that it isn't JUST the minutes that matter maybe the main bread bakers will stop excluding valid clock winds because of this misconception.
Thank you for that.
Which do you prefer Anon?
I remember the first time I called 977bbe Show Off on the main bread. We were posting about the same topic and both did an image. Him with all the relevant markers using GIMP (I thought it was photoshop) and me with a simple one using the snipping tool and MSPaint.
Guess it has stuck in my mind as well as on the board as his fine work will forever be referred to as SOCF.
Deltas have been actual markers (go to the posts at that #) and distances to relevant posts from an existing marker. :07 and the "stroll" clocks were the most obvious examples that come to mind.
Thanks 4M (4 Mirrors). Best nickname I had for you. You were TOV (Table of Values) ClockFag for a while. I find it helps to track Anons by naming them (as opposed to trying to remember ID's).
I won't say my name for our resident critic. KEK.
Lodestar was "We don't Say His Name" funeral reference.
17 seconds on the delta. KEK
Extra KEKs
Check out the post numbers when I dropped this in main bread.
KEK willed it.
5:5 ClockFags.
Great work in the main bread.
Remember not to be LFs.
Interesting KEKs on the solstice time in DC.
Guess we will need a "COLD" moon clock soon.
Trump up early this morning.
Here is the blank (with POTUS and deltas).
We are going to need fresh bread soon. Even if it is sans notables.
ALICE on the clock.
Fresh Q.
12:21 tomorrow.
Christmas Eve soon.
Nice way to separate disinformation from confirmations.
Let us look back, fellow ClockFags, not forward.
I think I am starting to get an understanding of how you do your decipher.
Keep up the good work.
Going to recycle a redhead meme in advance.
Prepare to land Anons.
Sorry but this was as "simple" as I could keep it.
Lots of KEKs.
DOUBLE DOUBLE pointer to :41.
Exciting times.
Was this one of you fags?
Helper Anon had some good KEKs with a time stamp.
Not sure I understand the Alpha and Omega reference.
Final version.
Plus one with a dig on the watch.
Getting tired. Be back on the clock tomorrow.
Proud to serve with all of (You).
Added RBG news to her clock.
Sounds like a funeral is in the future.
:55 second marker was the only KEK I could find in the POTUS tweet but added it anyway. Nothing related on April 16.
Let's fill this one then and move on to lucky 7.
Lucky 7's
For the winter solstice.
Dark to Light.
There is a 7 in 17 soโฆ.
Some clock memes.
See you all in our new home.
Just to make sure a shill doesn't get our heel post.