What fake crap! Again - so not a single so called CLOCKFAG can prove a single factual event the forcasted in the past that was correct.
See how they always say they are "Fluid" because understand, this is a cop out that they never ever once in their history, can get anything right.
So again, prove 1 fact in your years of fake "decoding" that is impossible… Use a old event so we don't freak you out so you don't tip anyone off of future BS… JUST ONE OUT OF THE 1000s you claim you have will do to prove it.
I love how you can take any 10,000 past postings and you can +, -, X and diviide anything you want, and count any words to numbers you want, and multipy by whatever you want… You can intemix and find any events you choose, that have nothing in common… Yet you add in time numbers down the 100th of a second of the posting and say see, it was all planned?
And its suppose to tell you future events? Seriously? Salem days they use to burn you at the stakes but today we call you brainwashed zombies, who can make the case 1 plus 1 = 21 or 37.2937549. And you have believers - sorta like Antifa mindless zombies…
Prove it - just one for all you see… You can't now will you? I love you to prove me wrong and I'ld even admit it…