Infinite number of config issues but this wheel is not configured logically - with tweets. Would point to some future events specifically - maybe not names but forcasted daily drops seen by public and provable prior to event. Thats its meaning.
The Clock settings (aka date placement) could be wrongly place. Example - Why isn't 1/1 pointing to 12 at start of Clock vs 6? Total reversal of results.. Many more ways but will not share for reasons you do not know.
Any sliver of 1 trillion facts in threadline being misplaced would throw off any wheel. Thats why every millionith of inch misdirects on a larger scale to trillions of miles off course…
Only theories given - should see factual results.
But WHO SELECTED this specific wheel to incorporate as "Q"'s tweet source here? Convience or because used once in past so just a pot shot it was the source code wheel?
If you don't have the 100% verifiable correct board piece to work off of, you will never get the correct game being played.
If you have stuff locked in a safe using 4 numbers, but 1 trillion possible combinations, impossible to crack. Sorry, seems like this wheel is not correct - since it seems like many people are trying to crack it.
Time to try different combo's, and yes, you should be able to "view" upcoming events, if you have the right combination leading up to the event, and good correct code configuration. Thats what Coding does - it "foresee's" events before it happens. If you had 1 real accurate clock event prior to it happening, means you are on to something. 1+ years and not a single event, time to change your attempts.
Patriot War Vet here with experience in some code, but any "theory" is just that. You need to produce a single fact, which Clockfags never did once. Without one, you are just trying to crack Q's code, so is it for Good or Evil?
Seems like Clockfag's are trying to ONE UP Q AND TRUMP now aren't you? Trying to "forecast" his next move? And who or what will this CRACKING be used for? It would not be LIGHT now would it? It would more then likely be used by DARK Deep State, so they forecast and counter Q and Trump now wouldn't it? Think about it…
If you love Q and Trump, why are all Clockfag's trying to CRACK INTO HIS PLANS, THINKING and MOVES? See how easily your GOOD INTENSIONS can easily be FLIPPED FOR EVIL AND DARK? So why are you all trying to CRACK INTO THE BANK AND TUMBLING FOR THE CODE? ARE YOU A UNWILLING PARTNER IN ROBBING THE BANK BY EACH OF YOU TRYING TO CRACK THE VAULT? See how easily you have been fooled? IT IS BY DESIGNED GUYS! And DS mindgames go so deep, its victims (CLOCKFAGs or people) can't see it as its being played on the person. No one is safe or SMARTER to be "TOO SMART" to be brainwashed, or led astray…
So how would you feel to know you helped crack Q's and Trumps Tweets, with the ability to forsee the events? Nothing like helping the criminal Deep State you say you are against, as they played you all in helping Evil crack Q's plans….
MINDSCREWED HEY? Welcome to reality and I'm glad you are using the wrong wheel configuration…. Think about it, or are you ADDICTED LIKE A DRUGGY, and can't stop or resist your next fix in your need to Crack Q and Trump? Like a Drug Addicted person, you can't see the harm you are doing to others now can you? Only this case, you are attempted to destroy and assist the very criminal element you are against.
I appreciate your willingness to enlight people, but you are doing harm and evil and pray for the US that you all fail. Hopefully you all see you are each attempting to light the fuse to a old fashion BOOMER, that can destroy all you want to protect. Understand how you are NOT HELPING but attempting to HARM THE REPUBLIC?
21st Century Paul Revere is shouting a WARNING!!!