Anonymous ID: 26bb15 Nov. 25, 2018, 12:34 p.m. No.4026102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6774


You're a rockstar, baker. Looks like you've been at this over 8hrs. You doing okay to keep going? I can always take over worst case to fill a gap but my connectivity is iffy, I'd prefer a designated ebaker to be around to step in if needed. But what I've got to give, I'm happy to give. Godspeed fren.

Anonymous ID: 26bb15 Nov. 25, 2018, 1:21 p.m. No.4026631   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4025994 lb

>I'm fresh out of forgiveness.

Good. The kind of "forgiveness" peddled today is nothing more than tolerance/subsidization of evil dressed in virtue-signalling. As such, the word itself is an empty nod to its original meaning, just Talmudic word-magic infiltrated crypto-fuckery to trick the religious goyim. Fuck "forgiveness." You can't forgive a crime in-progress. What's needed today is Justice, thank you.


But getting there–while we are yet the minority in public opinion held hostage by our enemy–will require strategy, which is knowing how and when to apply the right remedy. Sometimes its force of arms, sometimes its observation and stage-setting. We see Q & POTUS making strategic progress, we here on this board believe in supporting it and following their lead. We don't call for force of arms, we leave that to our POTUS, Military and LE. But we also believe in Jefferson's words. Should our govt prove irredeemably corrupt then yes, it is our duty to take up arms against it, but in a measured and organized fashion–never vigilante style. Rest assured, our Mil has a plan B. Let's help them with plan A while that's in effect.


Also, the "all wounds can heal" doesn't mean the shallow "it'll be like it never happened!" bullshit some think it is either. Many of us have suffered great abuses and losses at the hands of the cabal. Those can't be undone with platitudes, we will never regain the innocence we had before the war. What can be healed is our spirit. Most of us go through a dark night of hopelessness after loss on loss, the pain being more than we can bear for a time, sometimes for years. It can warp the soul, creating bitterness & despair. It is that which can be healed.


Q and POTUS and this movement have already gone a long way to helping a crushed people regain their pride of purpose and credible hope that good will win. We are changing the narrative and pushing back on evil even now. Our nations and spirits can and will be healed, redeeming all the evil we endured along the way, as we come to see how these trials were necessary to honing our warrior fight and knowledge of the enemy. All living in this time who have suffered for doing right are martyrs in a sense. But our sacrifices will save the world. An enduring peace founded on truth and justice will be the prize. ''God wins.''