On the last bread there was in interesting image that Soviet police used to identify the ethnicity of a person of interest. Since almost all Soviet citizens are Caucasian, the British Empire racial classifications used in the USA, were useless.
But I noticed something odd. In the middle row, second from the last is the Kazakh. To me that face is the only one that looks ethnically Chinese. Sure, some other Central Asian ethnic groups also have similar almond shaped eyes, but the Kazakh is most Chinese.
This is intersting, because the city of Satan, Astana, was built in the middle of the steppe in Kazakhstan to be the capital city of the New World Order. And the cities built to house the bureaucrats and technocrats are the ghost cities in Northern China. To me this suggests that there are some deep ethnic ties between China and Kazakhstan that are not obvious. Could it be the ethnicity of the Snakeheads/Triads that is on display. Is this the group that took control over Communist China and also over Kazakhstan in Soviet Central Asia?
Are we missing something here?
I have heard that the criminal underworld of Japan, the Yakuza, are really Korean. Is it possible that the Snakeheads are ethnic Koreans and that they also ruled the underworld of Soviet Central Asia?
Just talking about the underworld gives me images of Satan's domain, down under, in the underworld. Is this where we should be searching for the real Pindar, the real NWO leadership?
Are all the royals and Roths just puppets of these real powers that be?