Anonymous ID: b3f0d6 Nov. 25, 2018, 12:31 p.m. No.4026072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6087 >>6529 >>6633

"Western patrons of Kiev regime" are behind the provocation in Black Sea - Crimea's head


Sergei Aksyonov called Ukraine the country stripped of sovereignty and being under external governance


SIMFEROPOL, November 25. /TASS/. Western countries are behind the provocation of Ukrainian warships in the Black Sea, which intruded into Russia’s territorial waters, head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov said on Sunday.


"Today, Ukrainian warships illegally crossed Russia’s border and blatantly violated norms of international law. I am sure Western patrons of the Kiev regime are behind this provocation - it doesn’t look a mere coincidence that European and American politicians have been so concerned over the situation in the Sea of Azov in the recent months. Ukraine, as a country stripped of sovereignty and being under external governance, is an instrument for whipping up international tensions," he wrote on his Facebook account.


He stressed that responsibility for the incident rests on Kiev. "It will be Ukraine’s interests to be impacted by such actions, as it was after the seizure of the Nord ship’s crew," he noted.


He did not rule out that such provocation could be continues but reassured that it would not tell on Crimea’s everyday life. "I think hysterics and provocations on the part of the neighboring country will continue as long as the Russophobic regime controlled from abroad rules in Kiev," he noted. "I would like to reassure people living in Crimea that such pathologic activities will in no way impact the peaceful life on our peninsula. Crimea’s security is safeguarded duly and reliably."


Earlier on Sunday, the Russian Federal Security Service’s Border Service in Crimea reported that three Ukrainian warships had illegally crossed Russia’s state border entering its territorial waters, and were carrying out dangerous maneuvers. The ships are heading to the Kerch Strait. The Border Service is taking measures to ensure safe navigation and regulate the movement of ships in the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait. Director General of Crimea’s seaports, Alexei Volkov, told TASS that the Kerch Strain has been closed for civil navigation for security considerations.

Anonymous ID: b3f0d6 Nov. 25, 2018, 12:35 p.m. No.4026123   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fishermen Betrayed: Macron Gloats UK Will Be Forced Into ‘Backstop’ Unless British Waters are Surrendered


EU leaders have wasted little time in gloating over “the worst deal in history” negotiated by Theresa May, with French president Emmanuel Macron gloating he can blackmail Britain into surrendering its fishing waters or force it into the humiliating “backstop”.


The European Union controls its member-states territorial fishing waters centrally, sharing them out via a controversial quota system which grants British fishermen less than half the stocks in their own waters, destroying tens of thousands of jobs.


Brussels negotiators have been keen to maintain or duplicate this Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) beyond Brexit Day in March 2019, despite Theresa May’s repeated assurances that she will restore Britain’s status as an “independent coastal state” — and May’s withdrawal agreement could well allow the bloc to do so.


Firstly, it stipulates that the CFP will remain in force in Britain throughout the so-called “transition” period to the end of 2020, in which the country will effectively remain an EU member but without its current representation in the EU’s institutions.


Secondly, it provides for the transition to be extended for a further two years if a new relationship is not finalised during it, or for the United Kingdom to enter into so-called “backstop” arrangements with the EU — which it could not leave without the EU’s permission, and which would see it subject to vast swathes of EU rules and regulations and entered into a “single customs territory” in which the bloc would wield the whip hand.


Despite the Prime Minister’s claims to have “resisted” attempts by the EU to link the British fishing industry’s access to EU markets to EU trawlers’ access to British waters, the withdrawal agreement and the European Commission press release which accompanied it both explicitly state that the backstop’s “single customs territory” will not include fish and aquaculture products unless “an agreement on access to waters and fishing opportunities is applicable between the [European] Union and the United Kingdom.”


The ‘Political Declaration’ released alongside the withdrawal agreement also stipulates that Britain and the European Union “should establish a new fisheries agreement on, inter alia, access to waters and quota shares” — essentially recreating the Common Fisheries Policy.


The Prime Minister had been trying to play down these concession, with fishing being regarded by many as “the acid test of Brexit”, given the way the plight of the fishing industry has come to symbolise the damaging loss of control which EU membership entails, but her EU “partners” have not helped her to do so, with France’s Emmanuel Macron gloating that the withdrawal agreement’s backstop would be used as “leverage” to force a surrender of Britain’s fisheries in the transition period negotiations.


A joint statement from the EU makes it plain that securing Britain’s capitulation in this area a key goal in the transition negotiations, asserting that “A fisheries agreement is a priority issue, and should be based on principles of reciprocal access and existing quotas.”

Anonymous ID: b3f0d6 Nov. 25, 2018, 12:38 p.m. No.4026146   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CBS News Corrects Blunder Claiming Hamas Fired Rockets at ‘Israeli Military’


TEL AVIV – CBS News broadcast a correction for falsely claiming in an earlier report last week that Hamas and other Gaza-based terrorist groups were firing rockets targeting “Israel’s military.”


In a report that aired last week about the resignation of Israel’s defense minister, Avigdor Liberman, CBS News anchor Anne-Marie Green said, “Palestinians have fired hundreds of rockets at Israel’s military.”


Green later issued an on-air correction after the network was called out over its error by media watchdog CAMERA (the Committee for Accuracy in Mideast Reporting).


“In a report on November 14 we said that Palestinians had fired hundreds of rockets at Israel’s military,” she said. “In fact, the rockets were fired into Israel, including several cities and civilian targets.”


The watchdog said in a statement Thursday that it “commends CBSN for setting the record straight.”


CAMERA noted that while the original video had been pulled from CBS News’s website, it still appears on YouTube.

Anonymous ID: b3f0d6 Nov. 25, 2018, 12:44 p.m. No.4026216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6345 >>6529 >>6633

Russian Forces Reportedly Seized 3 Ukrainian Warships, Which Illegally Entered Its Waters Off Crimea


UPDATE 4: The Ukrainian Navy updated its version of the events. The fresh report says that the small armoured gunboat Berdyansk and the estuary tug Yani Kapu under control of Russian forces and are being towed while the small armoured gunboat Nikopol has been blocked and is being escorted by Russian forces.


The direction of their movement is unclear.


If the Ukrainian Navy version is confirmed, that those warships retreating to Berdyansk, according to the Russian side, are two Gurza-class small armored artillery boats.


UPDATE 3: the Russian Federal Security Service says that some Ukrainian warships are now returning to their base in the Ukrainain port of Berdyansk.


The Federal Security Service added that it has hard evidence confirming that the Ukrainian side had intentionally prepared this provocation in the Black Sea.


The situation with the operation to “seize” three Ukrainian warships reported by the Ukrainian Navy remains unclear.


Some sources speculate that polite Russian servicemen just adviced Ukrainian sailors that it’s time to return to their base from Russia’s territorial waters.

Some observers point out that Ukrainian warships returning to Berdyansk are those two Gurza-class small armored artillery boats, which were sent to the area close to the incident by the Ukrainian Navy in the course of the encounter.


UPDATE 2: The Ukrainian Navy confirmed social media speculations that small armoured gunboats Nikopol and Berdyansk and the estuary tug Yani Kapu were captured by the Russian Federal Security Service’s Border Service in waters off Crimea. According to the Ukrainian Navy, 2 of its servicemen were injured and the gunboats were immobilized by fire from Russian forces.


The warships illegally entered Russian waters off Crimea in the morning of November 25. Since then, the Russian side has been attempting to solve the situation peacefully. However, by the evening hostile actions of the Ukrainian side have forced the Federal Security Service’s Border Service in Crimea to employ direct actions to put an end to the violations.


UPDATE 1: According to speculations in social media, the 3 Ukrainian warships were captured with their sailors by the Russian Federal Security Service’s Border Service following a short encounter.




A few moments ago, the Ukrainian Navy claimed that its “naval group” had come under fire from the Russian Federal Security Service’s Border Service in waters off Crimea. According to the report, the small armoured gunboat Berdyansk was damaged and became immobilized. The Ukrainian Navy further alleged that one of its serviceman was injured.


Unconfirmed media and social media reports say that the Berdyansk itself is about to be seized by Russian forces.


Earlier on November 25, the small armoured gunboats Nikopol and Berdyansk as well as the estuary tug Yani Kapu illegally entered Russia’s territorial waters in the Black Sea. The formal purpose is that they were allegedly heading to the Ukrainian port of Mariupol in the Azov Sea.


This naval group was intercepted by the Federal Security Service’s Border Service in Crimea and stopped in the area south of the Kerch Strait. Then, Ukraine sent two Gurza-class small armored artillery boats towards the area of the incident. However, they stopped outside Russia’s territorial water.

Anonymous ID: b3f0d6 Nov. 25, 2018, 12:47 p.m. No.4026242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6529 >>6633



Iran urges Arab League chief to stop divisive stances



Iran urges Arab League's Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit to stop making "divisive" remarks, reiterating the Islamic Republic's principled stance on maintaining "balanced" relations with most of regional and neighboring countries.


"It is better that you refrain from making any divisive remarks under the influence of a few regional countries," Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said on Sunday in a statement addressing the Arab League's chief.


"You had better remember that you are the secretary general of the Arab League and not the promoter of the policies of certain countries whose behavior is incompatible with the interests and fate of Arab and Muslim countries in this sensitive region of the world," he added.


Speaking at the Mediterranean Dialogues Conference (MED) in the Italian capital, Rome, on Thursday, Gheit said Iran should think deeply on changing its attitude towards many issues, including its relations with Arab countries.


Qassemi further said the Islamic Republic has balanced and wise relations with most of the regional and neighboring countries based on cooperation, dialogue, common interests, mutual respect and non-interference in each others' internal affairs, adding, "This has been and will be a long-term and principled policy."


The Iranian spokesperson emphasized that Tehran has always stood by regional countries and maintained constructive interaction with them whenever necessity and requested.


He said Gheit’s real and main addressee should be those regional states, which spend billions of dollars annually to "buy security from extra-regional countries."


However, these countries would receive nothing but "insult and increasing concern over their future," Qassemi said.

Anonymous ID: b3f0d6 Nov. 25, 2018, 12:52 p.m. No.4026296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6317 >>6529 >>6633

Bulgarian investigative journalist, Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, reported that at least 350 “diplomatic” Silk Way Airlines (an Azerbaijani private company) flights transported weapons for war conflicts across the world over the last 3 years.


Syria Iraq Afghanistan Pakistan Congo


Part 1

Anonymous ID: b3f0d6 Nov. 25, 2018, 12:58 p.m. No.4026365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6529 >>6633

Airline Involved In Weapons Deliveries To Armed Groups In Syria Continues Cargo Flights To Conflict Zones In Middle East, Central Asia


It appears that arms continue flooding the Middle East through some apparent “gray area” schemes.


In 2017, a Bulgarian investigative journalist, Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, reported that at least 350 “diplomatic” Silk Way Airlines (an Azerbaijani private company) flights transported weapons for war conflicts across the world over the last 3 years. The airline exploited a loophole in the international aviation and transport regulations to offer flights to arms manufacturers and private companies – with much of the cargo heading for known terrorist enclaves in Syria, and also to other conflict zones including Central Asia and Africa. Under the International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations, the transport of military cargo by civil aircraft is not allowed. To get around this legality, Silk Way Airlines applied for diplomatic exemption for aircraft and their cargo (diplomatic charter flights), through local agencies to transport heavy weapons, ammunition, and white phosphorus across the world to several war zones such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Syria, as well as to African countries like Congo and Burkina Faso.


The leaked documents show that more than 20 Silk Way flights could have potentially carried arms from manufacturers in Central and Eastern Europe for Middle Eastern states on behalf of non-state actors fighting in Syria. If the documents were, in fact, accurate it would also corroborate an investigation by the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (BIRN/OCCRP) into the illicit arms trade between Europe and Syria. That report also implicated Silk Way.


Despite the existing evidence, Silk Way Airlines pretended to be not involved in any kind illegal or “gray” acitivites. The company’s website contains the following article:


Comments by Civil Aviation Administration (Republic of Bulgaria)


With reference to recent articles in the media and particularly an article published at the Wikipedia – The Free Encyclopedia web site, stating that the operator, Silk Way Airlines from Azerbaijan has been involved in illegal transportation of weapons for terrorist organizations from/through Bulgarian territory, the Directorate General “Civil Aviation Administration” to the Ministry of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Bulgaria would like to clarify the following:


All flights operated by Silk Way Airlines from/through the territory of Bulgaria, carrying special/military production on board, have been performed in accordance with all National and International regulations and legal provisions, with all respective permits, certificates and documents for transportation by air of such a type of sensitive cargo. Without any exceptions, Silk Way Airlines strictly adheres to all IATA and ICAO regulations for safe transportation of Dangerous Goods by air. The operator and the shipper of the cargo of each and every flight have been duly disclosed in a legal order, representing the origin, the route of the flight, as well as the consignor, consignee and the end user, by legal documents.


There is no room for tendentious speculations, that the cargo transported on board has been intended for known terrorist enclaves in Syria and other conflict zones in Central Asia and Africa. All flights have been operated under the strict control of the Directorate General “Civil Aviation Administration”, as well as under the control of a number of other National and International authorities responsible.

Anonymous ID: b3f0d6 Nov. 25, 2018, 1:01 p.m. No.4026391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6529 >>6633

BREAKING: US Fires Tear Gas as Hundreds of Migrants Try to Storm US Border at San Ysidro Port of Entry


US military helicopters were called in after hundreds of Honduran migrants tried to storm the US border at the San Ysidro port of entry Sunday.


Hundreds of Honduran migrants pushed past Mexican riot police and rushed towards the US border Sunday.


US military helicopters were flying over the Mexican side and tear gas was fired from the US side of the border according to ITV correspondent Emma Murphy.


Some of the migrants were pushing up against the fence shouting “yes we can!” (VIDEOS)



Anonymous ID: b3f0d6 Nov. 25, 2018, 1:19 p.m. No.4026606   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukrainian Naval Ships Ignored Calls to Stop, Violated Russian State Border - FSB


According to the Russian Federal Security Service, weapons were used to force three Ukrainian vessels to stop after they violated the Russian maritime border.