Anonymous ID: b29653 Nov. 25, 2018, 1:54 p.m. No.4027040   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bring out the fleet of water cannons! For the idiot invader soros paid caravan and soros paid protesters! Enough of this BS…arrest the protesters for national security issues & their funders!


Regardless if he's CIA…Acosta, Cooper Anderson, all of them are NOT actors or actresses, but accomplices, co-conspirators and collaborators in covering up crimes upon American Citizens, our constitution and bill of rights. It's not fake news, it's a format to aid and abet criminals and crimes against Americans. And it's about time we held them accountable for all the crimes, criminals, treasonous acts they knowingly covered up.


Breached their ethical resonspibility, duty, lying to Americans under false pretenses under the fake disguise of journalists… knowing particpants & accessories in crimes of treason, crimes against children, etc.

Anonymous ID: b29653 Nov. 25, 2018, 2:19 p.m. No.4027351   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bring out the fleet of water cannons! For the idiot invader soros paid caravan and soros paid protesters! Enough of this BS…arrest the protesters for national security issues & their funders!


stupid protester shot in the nuts with pellet gun


Water cannon vs protester