To all my fellow species on the side of light, stay vigilant, stay determined, and forever, stay free in mind, body, and soul. The future is ours one way or another, and sharing that future amongst all who have been deceived and harvested with full understanding that the methodology used to keep them asleep and did not affect those of you whom are fighting this battle for all is the reason behind their apparent ignorance and defiance in that which is true freedom of thought…true freedom of existence, and true patriotism not of country, but of life itself. The sleepers are not at fault. Your "normies" are nothing more than the same minds more susceptible to being led because generations upon generations of manipulative tactics were used and ALL were subjected to them.
I was "fortunate" enough to have been singled out due to disability at a very early age, and this allowed me the capacity to weather the storm that was my childhood and see social interaction for exactly what it was…a coordinated show controlled by fear of judgement and/or exclusion/segregation from "society"
There is not a doubt in my mind my "disability" was purposefully inflicted upon me for agenda associated with MK Ultra, and it is my belief that because I could not be "broken" I had to be fixed so as not to allow the powers which I have to be realized at full potential. I actually have proof of this, and have defiantly fought against (((them))) all of my life and have made sure (((they))) know I hold no fear nor prejudice against the attempts made to destroy my mind. What I see here is no different…and while I could very well be a top asset to either side, my reluctance to speak and participate is only due to the fact if you all fail….I WILL NOT….
Thank you all so much, and I PRAY one day in the near future we can share this whole event with our friends and relatives without the display of judgement which the world right now harbors as "mandatory social perspective." We all deserve to be heard, and we all deserve to listen, we all deserve the best each other has to offer regarding unconditional understanding of difference and celebration of that very difference as the variety of life. Without those differences, imagine what "society" would be like……I learned early to embrace and study differences, not judge and pass sentence upon. Thank you all for doing the same after all these centuries of programmed hatred based on false narrative. It will be up to those like us to teach others in the future, just as it is up to us right now to tear down the indoctrinated teachings of "society" as it were.
Above all else, while keeping the world's citizens safe, keep each other safe and always allow benefit of doubt, even if deemed undeserving of it by "majority"……we are not here to all have the same thoughts and feelings. <3