parade of ths shitposters continues
are you even goy?
pic related
>8 million jews live in israel.
see you proved my point
that is 8 million evil cabal members in ONE state alone!
eat knish dirty kikerabbitraitorisraelfirstfag
(kek the shitposters are so stupid)
its two -
two -
two mints - ooops i mean jews - in one!
ps = jews poisoned all the certs to kill babies that eat certs and then published a secret paper about it so for sure its true
yeah that is sim,ply not fair at all
why cant we criticize anyone we want w/o being called nasty names?
that is not the america i know
adolf hiller
yes and what is worse is these two each have 2 passports so that is 4 just for 2
that is NOT fair at all and should be illegal cuz it is against dentyne and other white gum