Anonymous ID: 4e22f4 Nov. 25, 2018, 3:51 p.m. No.4028446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8575 >>8645 >>8812 >>8956 >>9005



Derek Harvey

Derek Harvey retired from the US Army as a Corporal intelligence officer in 2006. Upon retiring from the Army, he joined the Defense Intelligence Agency. As a Senior Executive Service member of the DIA, Michael Flynn asked him to join the National Security Council in the Trump adminstration.


When deep state National Security Advisor HR McMaster tried to purge the Trump administration of all patriots in late July/Early August 2017, Derek Harvey was terminated.


Upon his termination from the National Security Counsel, he was brought onboard staff by our boy in congress, Devin Nunes. In fact, he was working on Devin Nunes' staff when Deep State Rod Rosenstein threatened to subpoena the House Intelligence Committee members' and staff's communications. Rosenstein must have been damn scared of Derek Harvey:


Michael Ellis

Michael Ellis is Special Assistant to the President, Senior Associate Counsel to the President, and Deputy National Security Council Legal Advisor. Even after POTUS fired White House Counsel Don McGahn, his "subordinate" Michael Ellis remained in his position.

When Ezra Cohen-Watnick dug up records that showed Susan Rice had illegally unmasked Trump campaign/admin officials to spy on them, where did Ezra take those records? Michael Ellis. What did Michael Ellis do with those records when he received them? He gave them to our boy in congress, Devin Nunes. And, of course, Nunes made the illegal unmasking very public (while protecting his partners by not disclosing the source).

Another fun fact about Michael Ellis… where did he work before taking a role in the White House? He served as an attorney for the House Intelligence Committee led by Devin Nunes:


Let me ask Anons a question. If you were part of a small group of (less than 10) who were trying to clean up a corrupt federal government and splinter the CIA, wouldn't you want an experienced attorney (who knows all about both Congress and the Intelligence community) as part of your team? You need someone you can consult with to make sure your actions are legal and "squeaky clean", right? That attorney would need to know just about everything you are doing in order to effectively consult, right? Wouldn't this person's role be so important that you would name them as "Special Assistant to the President", as well as the "Senior Associate Counsel to the President" and "National Security Council Legal Advisor" so that they can receive the clearance to know all of your operations?


Devin Nunes

So what do Derek Harvey and Michael Ellis have in common? They are both intimately tied into Devin Nunes. Nunes took a big political risk, and opened himself up to massive media attacks when we met with Michael Ellis at the White House, received the reports about Susan Rice's illegal unmasking, and then announced it to the media.

So let me ask Anons a question. If you were part of a small group of (less than 10) who were trying to clean up a corrupt federal government and splinter the CIA, wouldn't you want a squeaky clean congressman on your team? Someone who can investigate the intelligence community, subpoena documents, request declassifications, and give directions to other committee chairs (Gowdy and Goodlatte)?


Q Team - the more that the plan comes into focus, the more intricately beautiful it appears.