Anonymous ID: cfc3bc Nov. 25, 2018, 3:44 p.m. No.4028381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8645 >>8812 >>9005

Russia-Ukraine Black Sea Military Crisis: On The Brink Of War


According to fresh data about the developing incident in the Black Sea, the Russian Federal Security Service’s Border Service is reported to be forced to open fire at 3 Ukrainian warships carrying hostile actions in the Russian territorial waters.


Ships of the Russian Border Service were forced fire and damage two of the Ukrainian warships in order to stop their further advance. After the short close-quarter firefight, two Ukrainian ships were taken towed and one ship was escorted by Russian forces. The Ukrainian side says that 6 service members were injured in the incident. The Russian side says that 3 Ukrainian servicemen were slightly injured. They received medical help and there is no threat to their lives.


The data available from both the sides, Ukrainian and Russian, demonstrates that the Ukrainian warships intentionally entered Russian territorial waters and were moving deeper toward them. Such a military action with an expected loud political coverage is not possible without a direct order from the Ukrainian top military-political leadership.


From the beginning, the Ukrainian side claimed that it informed the Russian side about the planned displacement of its ships into the Sea of Azov through the Kerch Strait, a waterway that links the Azov Sea with the Black Sea. The Russian side says that there has been no request on this issue.


Even if the Ukrainian side has indeed informed the Russians somehow, it had to get an answer and allowance from Russian authorities. As the further developments showed, the Ukrainian side has had no answer/allowance from the Russian side.

Anonymous ID: cfc3bc Nov. 25, 2018, 3:51 p.m. No.4028449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8457 >>8488 >>8645 >>8812 >>9005

Russia Requests Urgent UN Security Council Meeting Over Azov Sea Issue


Russia requested an urgent meeting of UN Security Council members at 11 a.m. on Monday (16.00 GMT) to discuss the situation in the Sea of Azov, Russia's First Deputy Envoy to UN, Dmitry Polyanskiy, told reporters.


"In connection with the dangerous development of the situation in the Sea of Azov and the events that followed them, Russia requested an urgent convocation of an open meeting of the Security Council on the morning of November 26 under the agenda item 'Maintenance of international peace and security,'" Polyanskiy said. The meeting is tentatively scheduled for 11 a.m. (19.00 Moscow time, 16.00 GMT), he added.


On Sunday, three ships of the Ukrainian Navy, in violation of Articles 19 and 21 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, crossed the Russian sea border, entered a temporarily closed area of Russian territorial waters, moving from the Black Sea toward the Kerch Strait, according to the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB).


Another group of ships was heading for the Kerch Strait from the Azov Sea port of Berdyans'k. The Kerch Strait, which links Black and Azov seas, was closed by Russia on Sunday to civilian ships for security reasons. Later the same day, the FSB reported that the same three ships of the Ukrainian Navy — Berdyansk, Nikopol and Yany Kapu — had been detained after violating Russian state border. The Ukrainian ships did not react to legal demands of the ships accompanying them and made dangerous maneuvers, the FSB noted.

Anonymous ID: cfc3bc Nov. 25, 2018, 3:56 p.m. No.4028507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8529

Theresa May blocked asylum application of Asia Bibi as ‘she is afraid to stoke tensions among British Muslims’


Home Secretary Sajid Javid has argued passionately the case for granting Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian who’s conviction for blasphemy was recently pushed after eight years in solitary confinement, asylum in the UK.


An investigation by the daily mail revealed that on the day Asia was seized, she was accused of blasphemy, paraded through her village with her neck bound by a leather noose, beaten with sticks, and told by a makeshift sharia court that her life would only be spare if she converted to Islam.


She refused to accept Islam, and was consequently whipped with sticks and sandals until semi-unconscious. Her life was only saved when a teacher intervened and stated that she should be handed over to the police.


Despite these horrific events, Mrs May has been persuaded to refuse asylum to the Christian mother on the grounds that granting Bib asylum would ‘stoke tensions’ among British Muslims. Since her acquittal, demonstrations by hardline Islamists have taken place demanding she be hanged.


Bibi is facing constant death threats and is being hunted across Pakistan, unable to be reunited with her five children as she is forced to move from safe house to safe house.

Anonymous ID: cfc3bc Nov. 25, 2018, 3:57 p.m. No.4028528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8565


This will also fail. Russia will have video and absolute proof they were warned before violating Russian territory. The fact MSM is trying to push a war before the facts shows how desperate they are