Sandy Hook Whole City Got FREE Houses!
Sandy Hook Whole City Got FREE Houses!
Bro……shut down the border…..close it down…..I saw a group of 10 mexican men age 25 spoke no english at all in walmart buying clothes….all i understood was …puta….cuss words etc…..they are coming in thru the highways in cars and trucks or something…i dunno…..but many have made it thru
I believe it…my sighting was in the DFW metroplex walmart in TEXAS…..many have got thru
it means watch for shootings false flags pysops and the like…..if you gotta carry license carry your firearm and stay on the lookout for potential trouble
yes Q….we understood that a long time ago…..AJ….STONE………CORSI…….PROSOBEIC……WEBB………………they are all on the same side the bad side…..propaganda thats treason hangin them high