Anonymous ID: 29f1b2 Nov. 25, 2018, 7:06 p.m. No.4031469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1601

>>4030915 (You) Lawfag's opinion: Cross-examine first, let them lie, then release docs proving the lie


lawfag replies to some anon comments - yes its tough to nail the "forgetful" witness but the strategy is to continually narrow the story and close as many hatches as you can - nail down as many facts as you can - make the witness pick a story and stick to it


once you have this base then you go after them with the reserved bullets - now the real key is WHO ARE YOU PLAYING TO?

a jury? a judge? an arbitrator? accomplices? the press? the public?


next and related - what is the goal of the proceeding? to get a conviction? evidence" optics? build or destroy a reputation or cred?


all come into play and speak to THE PLAN - the GA - in other words to educate the masses with the truth so that they will not only accept but fully support the action to be taken to DRAIN THE SWAMP


if we take shortcuts we will win many battles but we will lose the WAR - those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it


concernfags is that what you want? win the battle but lose the war?