Don't let us down, you know what you need to do and what needs to be done. Clean your house.
To Australian Government Defense Department:
The time to strengthen the USA/AU/JPN alliance is now. Pressure the Gov/ASIO to hang the traitors, and apologize for interfering in our strongest allies electoral process. You protect Australia, and your relationship with the USA is more important than any other nation, political group, political foundation, international charity, or global banking partner (City of London). Please stand strong for all who have risked everything before you.
To The Government of Australia:
You fucked up, we know, they know, everyone important knows. Say sorry, never let it happen again. Imagine what our area of the world would be like if we didn't have the support of USA??
The Australian people do not yet know or understand the full extent of the previous governments involvement in the corruption of the USA election, but that is easy to change and can be done by Anons, and done fast. Strengthen the alliance with USA and Japan, and ATONE publicly.
Remember, there are many Aussie patriots who understand our laws and can circumvent mainstream press to expose the traitors. That is NOT needed, but can happen.
PS: Trump can totally embarrass Australia, he hasn't done that yet, that is the olive branch so fucking take.