I support Israel for what God is going to do there not for today’s Israel. The entirety of the Bible focuses in the coming age when Jesus will rule over Millennial Kingdom based in Jerusalem. The INLY way to deny this is to allegories Scripture. But gee, maybe we should relegate comments here to political happenings instead of trying to derail discussion into area of Preterism/Amillennialism, flat earth, and aliens for goodness sakes. Take it to another board.
Jews are CHOSEN of God solely because God created that nation to bring forth the Messiah/Savior (read Roman 9-11).
The nation of Israel was mightily condemned by God many times (Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Joel, Zechariah, etc etc etc)!
God refers to Israel/Jerusalem as “Sodom and Gomorrah.” It is what ISRAEL WILL become not what they have been or are now.
The Rothschilds are fake Jews. Anyone with a modicum of brains knows that. They worship Lucifer and have adopted aspects of Scripture to suit themselves.
Not everyone who pushes NWO us Jewish. There are plenty of Gentiles involved too.
Most Jews will never find salvation and neither will most Gentiles but somehow it’s all on the “Joos” for some of you.
Try reading the Bible for understanding. Allow it to interpret itself. Look at all the Jews in Scripture who were judged and destroyed by God for their abject rebellion against His rule. Read Zechariah 7-8 to see a comparison of how God dealt with Israel and how He WILL return to them.
Finally stop pretending you know something about Usrael when it’s clear you don’t see the big pic due to ur mishandling if Scripture.
Start a board where you can bash Jews constantly and leave this board to those who are trying to figure out MAGA.
Really tired of you “Jew/Bible” fags who know LITTLE but believe you know a lot.