Anonymous ID: 73596b Nov. 26, 2018, 5:32 a.m. No.4034942   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Regarding atmospheric spraying to counter mythical global warming, the author writes:


“The mind boggles at the arrogance of people who are so thoroughly caught up in their own messianic insanity that they need to save us all because we won’t stop burning oil, gas and coal to our own betterment.


The biggest impediment to this plan the researchers conclude? It’s not cost, because by their calculations it would be cheaper than any other ‘solution.’ It’s that it wouldn’t be able to be kept secret from the people they were poisoning.


I. shit. you. not.”


In the meantime, independent researchers are watching the sun.


“And that model tells us that the sun is going into the kind of hibernation we’ve not experienced as a civilization over the next thirty years, possibly the next 300-400.


Dr. Valentina Zharkova’s work is stunning.


As a chemist with a strong background in spectroscopy of all types (undergraduate research and decades of professional experience) I understand what she was talking about. The higher order math is beyond me a little but it’s ultimately no different than any other mathematical transformation, like a Fourier Transform, which is used by this society everyday to unpack complex data.


I watched her most recent presentations literally agog at not only the simplicity but the beauty of her leaps of logic about how the sun operates.


She did was what any good scientist does. She asked very simple questions and then sought out data and a methodology to answer that question. And that question ultimately came down to, “Since we know that the sun’s output has predictable cycles, thanks to sunspot cycles, and we know what sunspots are now, is the sun’s magnetic field output over time an aggregate of multiple smaller fields with predicable oscillations?”


That answer is most affirmatively yes.”


“You don’t have to be an astro-physicist to understand the logic of her presentation. Spend the 93 minutes. It’s worth every second.


And now we finally have NASA admitting that the upper atmosphere is cooling off at a rate we’ve never measured.


Of course, those that have followed such data for the past few years already knew this. So it’s truly time to put this global warming nonsense to bed.”