Anonymous ID: b7a695 Feb. 16, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.404427   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You want a clear example of a "name" having power?

Remember the "Gulf War"? When Bagdad was bombed?

Remember what phrase the news media (MSM) coined?

Remember how everyone in the US and world wide was "chanting" that phrase?

Remember the phrase?


The "phrase was "Shock-n-Awe"…Remember?

Did you know you and everyone else were being used as fools to "chant" an "incantation"? A black magic spell? Giving it "power"?

Do you know which demon's name the entire world was calling to?



Who is this demon? According to Kabbalah, Shekinah is God's "consort"…lover. The redhead in the finger of God fresco in the Sistine Chapel. It is who the Kabbalists have sex with as the "dovit" at the Wailing Wall. And no…"shekinah in not in the Bible in the original Hebrew, only the masculine form is "shekin". Shekinah is the feminine form.


And every last damn one of us fell for it.

We need to repent of that one, yep we surly do.