Thank You GuruAnon!,
for sharing your many valuable pearls of wisdom,
for your invaluable services to this movement,
and for having the moral fortitude and courage of spirit
necessary to expose the ugly truth like Bobby Fischer did.
Thank You GuruAnon!,
for sharing your many valuable pearls of wisdom,
for your invaluable services to this movement,
and for having the moral fortitude and courage of spirit
necessary to expose the ugly truth like Bobby Fischer did.
That's some very monotonous and repetitive crap you keep posting joooshill kike.
And you guys think you have a superior intellect? Good grief, you're pathetic.
But keep doing it, you're helping us show normies your depravity.
Thank you just the same humble-anon.
But it's smart to not target yourself like Fischer,
he didn't have the luxury of the chan's anonymity.
Like it's smart not to have a Trump bumper sticker.
Why ask for trouble? Previous comments still apply :)
I enjoy learning from most aware anons posts and comments.
This JQ/JP bread should be a permanent feature in this awakening.
It covers what the more PC Q research board doesn't want to touch.
>Happy New Years fags! 2019 will be the year the JQ goes mainstream.
Happy New Years back at ya! Hope the JQ/JP does go mainstream.
I know I'm pushing it like I have constipation.
…wait a minute…splashdown…yep, just more Jews to flush.
Cheers to all.