Anonymous ID: 39ac2e Nov. 26, 2018, 11:46 a.m. No.4038420   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Nolte: Donald Trump More Popular than Media Want You to Believe


We keep hearing about how divisive and unpopular President Trump is, about how “historically” unpopular he is. This is not even close to the truth.


Doing an apples to apples comparison using the Gallup poll, Investor’s Business Daily discovered that Trump’s job approval numbers are right in line with three two-term presidents.


As of right now, in the Gallup poll, Trump enjoys a 44 percent approval rating. And when Investor’s Business Daily looked at the approval ratings of previous presidents during this same week in their respective presidencies, they found that Trump is tied with Barack Obama (44 percent) and is doing better than both Bill Clinton (41 percent) and even Ronald Reagan (42 percent).