Anonymous ID: 4eea2c Nov. 26, 2018, 12:10 p.m. No.4038677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8800

Haven't seen this in notables yet, but I think it deserves to be. It looks like it's happening,

Criminally under-viewed Youtube video embedded.

From a press-conference given by the ENF ( three days ago (23/10/18).

This is BY FAR the most confrontational language I've heard from anyone in the EU parliament except Farage. Amazing frankness for EU politicians.

A few key points:

  • Uses term 'Import the Third World, become the Third World'.

  • States that transnationals are in charge in the 3rd World.

  • Raises the issue that Mudslimes won't/can't integrate.

  • Claims Tommy Robinson's arrest is only the beginning.



  • Calls out replacement migration, and makes a point that it's been going on for a while.

  • Makes a very obvious point of highlighting (((Jaques Attali))) - MEP goes out of his way to repeatedly mention his name. Possibly comms. Surface-level dig is interdasting enough. See below.

>Jacques Attali was born on 1 November 1943 in Algiers (Algeria), with his twin brother Bernard Attali, in a Jewish family.

Because of course he was.

>Since his earliest books, Attali foresaw and announced signals of the future, albeit weak at the time, that later came true: In La parole et l'outil (1976), he announced and described the shift from an energy-based society to an information-based society. In Bruits, in 1977, he announced what would later be the internet, YouTube, and the importance of musical practice; in La nouvelle économie française, in 1978, he discussed the coming emergence of the personal computer, hyper-surveillance and self-surveillance. In Les trois mondes, in 1980, he announced the shift of the centre of power around the Pacific. In L'ordre Cannibale, in 1980, he announced the advent of a prosthetic society, now known as transhumanism. In Histoires du temps, he announced the rapid pace of history and the growing immediacy of relationships. In Amours, he announced the emergence of poly-romantic relationships. In Au propre et au figuré, he announced the break-up of property and its use, and subsequently he invented the concept of the "nomadic object." In Lignes d'horizons, in 1990, he predicted the relative decline of US power. In Brève histoire de l'avenir, he announced a corporate power grab by health data and insurance companies. In L'homme nomade, he described the great movement of populations whose sedentary life was only a temporary stage.

A LOT of coincidences in there. I have to wonder whether he's a consistently lucky guesser or whether he somehow had insider information about what was to come in the future.

  • Most invaders are not really refugees.

  • Replacement not necessary if Europeans start breeding again. Governments could encourage this.

  • Calls out Islam and Islamisation of Europe.


With the escalations we've seen globally lately (caravan at US border, clashes in the Sea of Azov, Brexit coming to the boil, possibly more I'm unaware of), I think this might signal that something big's coming in the EU.

Gods know, things are getting a bit mental in Bongistan.