Anonymous ID: e30481 Nov. 26, 2018, 12:14 p.m. No.4038717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8952

▪California Democratic Party chair faces sexual misconduct investigation▪


California Democratic Party Chairman Eric Bauman is facing an internal investigation after multiple sexual misconduct allegations were made against him.


The party decided to launch a probe after Vice Chair Daraka Larimore-Hall officially called on state Democratic Party leadership to remove Bauman from the elected position in an email over the weekend.


Larimore-Hall said the “credible, corroborated and utterly heart-breaking allegations” included “a number of party staff” who said Bauman sexually harassed or assaulted them at party events, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Saturday.


Larimore-Hall reportedly did not go into detail about the allegations and did not name the people who had come forward.


“I take seriously any allegation brought forward by anyone who believes they have been caused pain,” Bauman said in a statement to the newspaper, adding a “respected outside investigator” was hired to probe the accusations. “I look forward to putting these allegations behind us and moving forward as unified Democrats.”…cont.

Anonymous ID: e30481 Nov. 26, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.4038766   🗄️.is 🔗kun




▪Just a few questions, Mr. Comey and Ms. Lynch▪


Adriana Cohen Monday, November 26, 2018


Lyin’ and leakin’ James Comey is at it again.


First he politicized the FBI by giving his pal Hillary Clinton and her associates a free ride over their reckless mishandling of classified information to help her try to win the 2016 Presidential election. Then he worked with British and Australian intelligence agencies, Russian informants and other nefarious deep state actors brazenly violating Department of Justice protocols in an attempt — still ongoing — to bring down a sitting U.S. president….cont.