I wish doctors would stop practice "medicine" and focus on the healing arts instead. For about 25 years I had the most fortunate experience of seeing homeopathic/naturopathic doctor who had quite a few sets of initials following his name. He was about an hour and half drive away, so of course we didn't go to see him for every little thing. And of course I brought my kids to the regular local M.D. for run-of-the-mill stuff; antibiotic for strep, what have you. But I cannot even count the number of times when there was some ailment or injury which either seemed to befuddle the M.D.'s (and the "specialists" they referred to) or their "treatment" (prescription medication) just wasn't doing the trick. Then I'd make the drive and sure enough the good old naturopath (who lived to be 94, btw) would make a common sense diagnosis and treat with either remedies, magnatherms, alignment of the spine, or LLLT. (He was a forerunner in using "Star Trek" technology, too.) He even had his own little lab in the back where he'd look at a culture himself right under his old fashioned microscope. Sigh…those were the days….
There's no better place in the world than the good ole' USA for surgical practices. Not even an argument. But Lymes? Chronic pain? Diabetes? Fibromyalgia? Crohn's disease? etc. Better off going to a hoo-doo than your local M.D.
Nah. This guy wasn't. A few situations to illustrate:
1st case: Oldest son at little over a year old began getting chronic ear infections. The drill in those days was antibiotics. Kept recurring. Docs sent to specialist. Specialist (which happened to be the same guy who removed my tonsils when I was a kid) wanted to put tubes in his ears. RN friend said take him to the homeopath instead. I did. Homeopath sought to find the cause, not merely address the symptom. Cause? Dairy products. Made sense since my son was breast fed till he was one year old, then went to cow's milk. So we took him off all dairy; gave him goat's milk instead. Ear infections seized. Gone.
2nd Case: Wife was diagnosed w/ Class 2 pap smear (precancerous) after the birth of second child. Went to regular ob-gyn who cauterized the cervical opening. Six months later, same thing. Went to homeopath. He said, "Class 2 pap smear after birth of second child? Easy. Cervix subjected to infection." He then created a concoction of IDK what and instructed my wife to buy an old fashioned douche and douche w/ the concoction one time only and to follow up w/ immediate pap smear. Boom. Back to normal.
3rd Case: Third child at age 4 injured knee attempting to jump over the coffee table from top of couch. Landed smack dab on his knee cap. Elevated, put ice on it, kid was fine. Then off and on the next few weeks, kid is dragging his leg and complaining. Other times he's running around as always. Bring him to doc. Xrays. Nada. Specialist. MRI. Nada. Then the procedure where they inject the die into the body and had to knock him out (forget the name). By this time wife and I are praying it's not bone cancer. Nada. Meantime kid drags leg along like Tiny Tim, but he can still run like a champ. On to orthopedic surgeon who had my kid run up and down his hallway in his underwear so he could observe his gait. Hmmmm…..mentions surgery. That was it… called the homeopath. He takes one assessment of the kid and says, "of course he can run, you don't need to straighten the knee to run." (Problem was he couldn't walk w/o dragging the leg.) "And he's so active he keeps re-injuring his knee, meantime his hips are out of alignment from him overcompensating." He then realigned his hips, instituted LLLT on a biweekly basis for about three weeks. Abracadabra. Kid is walking/running normal again.
I can go on…ya want to hear about second child's Lyme disease? The time I put my back out from an old construction accident where I fell off a ladder and couldn't walk? Better yet, how about when child #3 had a bizarre problem feeling like he had to pee all the time and after several visits to MD + urologist (who tired to diagnose it as "overactive bladder" and prescribed some shit medication the side effect of which could cause "vivid dreams and/or hallucinations, especially in children". That time the cure was a regime of cranberry juice, prescribed by the good ole' homeopath.
I could go on and on. I loved that old doc. God rest his soul.
Like I said, he had a bunch of initials after his name. But none were M.D.
THIS. Would you perchance be able to tweet that response back at her?