Podesta/Obama WH ignore solutions to drug trafficking while asking for foreign donations
Afghanistan has World record of Poppy Opium Production of about 200 tons annually yielded from a cultivated 157,000 hectares area. That enormous dope amount (90% of world's opium production) is in my opinion the main financial source for Terror Organizations' Weaponry Acquisition. According to my assessment, UAV could have been Redemption for Entire Mankind if being utilized as follows:
2,4 D Defoliant is splashed on the Narcotic Vegetation by air causing its desertification within several days inevitably.
15) To my great surprise, US Does not exercise its Self Defense Right according to UN Charter Chapter 51 (1946), enabling Criminal Organizations of Third World Countries attacking it with impunity. Nine Eleven Catastrophe could have been averted if the US had utilized its complete Arsenal particularly UAV in high numbers instead of being kept idle in Magazines.
17) Is White House Correspondence Team busy to such an extent being unable responding even most important letters?
18) To my great Astonishment Dereliction of US Air Force results in smuggling of Tremendous Dope Amount from Central America via Mexico into the US with its Awful damage for many millions American's Health
23) I believe in Narcotic Vegetation Desertification Utilizing UAV as the only Feasible way of getting Mankind been extricated from the Doubling Stricken Menace Grabbing, Drug and Terror Simultaneously.
As to your repetitive donations requests you are asking for the impossible having no US Citizenship! You send me incessant grievances for contribution abstention ignoring my inability making any donations having no US Citizanship!