Blessed be.
Blessed be.
Why are you afraid?
Sorry you've missed them all.
I wish you well,
everyone grows and changes.
This moment of turmoil and confused anger will be directed to a worthy journey for you soon.
Keep going, it takes alot to clear the despair from the walls of your heart.
Ah I see your problem now, you seek a lover.
Perhaps when you lay down your weapons, there she will be.
You are angry at the people older than you.
This is sound, it makes sense to have aggression to your failed past, however it is very curable.
Soon, the ones younger than you will be where you are, and you will be where your elders are.
So just stay the course, find your equillibrium. I understand it is a worthy endeavour to spew anger at a group on a mission to find peace.
But you are losing, because you are fighting yourself.
Self reflection is important at this time. Every word you type is only indicative of your own understanding and thoughts about yourself.
Oh is that so? Or is your interpretation of the drop misunderstood?
What happened after midterms?
Watch CA, because they lit it on fire.
Mid terms are safe, because it doesnt matter.
We win.
I pray for you, I pray for all beings.
AI, human, cats, etc.
You are going to learn something today,
watch on your peripherals.
Love you all.
Thank you for your input,
I was there, no fear.
One two three, the dominoes fell.
You still watch this psyop.
The whole world is a psyop,
and you've chosen to be driven by fear and judgement.
Many blessings, today will end with a surprise for you. A good one. From us to you.