Anonymous ID: 7c1a37 Nov. 26, 2018, 7:25 p.m. No.4043943   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4035257 (PB)

I think that Q may have given the good side of human nature a bit too much credit and that the risk of civil war, while not a certainty, is definitely high. So be it. That would be our third civil war on this soil. It's worth keeping, so I'm willing to step up and actually do patriot stuff. To that end, I've begun going to the gym to get rid of the love handles and get back in shape, at 66, to do my part.

>>4035263 (PB)

When that happens, if at all possible, vote with your feet. If you are mature enough to get 6 figures in debt, you are mature enough to attend to your own safety.

>>4035264 (PB)

It is not Mr. Acosta's station in life to "challenge" or debate the President of the United States, the single most powerful man on the planet.

>>4035270 (PB)

G) All of the above and the detonation of smuggled nukes on CONUS

>>4035310 (PB)

What he mentioned is legal via the Patriot Act. All that has to happen is for the President to name a person an "enemy combatant" and it's "game over" as far as that person's Constitutional rights. At some point, the Patriot Act must be repealed or all of this is for naught.

>>4035404 (PB)

It's as notable as them opening 5 new plants.

>>4035509 (PB)

My reading was that Russia called the meeting to discuss the Ukraine situation and ONLY the Ukraine situation.

>>4035817 (PB)

Swalwell is an asshat. That tear gas was fired by the Mexican police and DID NOT AFFECT the woman OR her kids. See a runny eye on anyone?

Anonymous ID: 7c1a37 Nov. 26, 2018, 7:36 p.m. No.4044041   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4035257 (PB)

I think that Q may have given the good side of human nature a bit too much credit and that the risk of civil war, while not a certainty, is definitely high. So be it. That would be our third civil war on this soil. It's worth keeping, so I'm willing to step up and actually do patriot stuff. To that end, I've begun going to the gym to get rid of the love handles and get back in shape, at 66, to do my part.

>>4035263 (PB)

When that happens, if at all possible, vote with your feet. If you are mature enough to get 6 figures in debt, you are mature enough to attend to your own safety.

>>4035264 (PB)

It is not Mr. Acosta's station in life to "challenge" or debate the President of the United States, the single most powerful man on the planet.

>>4035270 (PB)

G) All of the above and the detonation of smuggled nukes on CONUS

>>4035310 (PB)

What he mentioned is legal via the Patriot Act. All that has to happen is for the President to name a person an "enemy combatant" and it's "game over" as far as that person's Constitutional rights. At some point, the Patriot Act must be repealed or all of this is for naught.

>>4035404 (PB)

It's as notable as them opening 5 new plants.

>>4035509 (PB)

My reading was that Russia called the meeting to discuss the Ukraine situation and ONLY the Ukraine situation.

>>4035817 (PB)

Swalwell is an asshat. That tear gas was fired by the Mexican police and DID NOT AFFECT the woman OR her kids. See a runny eye on anyone?