Anonymous ID: 9bc53b Nov. 26, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.4044033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4045 >>4055 >>4098 >>4109 >>4122

100% seriously… WIN WIN WIN? What did America "Win"?


Trump Admin refused to even ATTEMPT TO CHARGE A SINGLE Criminal Politician. So its be OVER 3 years and Trump REFUSED TO CHARGE ANYONE IN DC FOR A SINGLE CRIME!


So you'll say its being worked, well, guess you forgot that their is a 5 year window after the crime that charnges need to be filed, or Trump loses the right to charge them for that crime? Who cares hey? Ask which Clinton Major crime ends 31 Dec if Trump refuses to file charges…


So you say he's planning on getting everyone at one time, well you fail to see the problem… Say Maxine Waters has 45 crimes and Trump wants to file them all in 1 case "for ease". You know what happens say their is a Conflict of Interest in 1 of the 45 cases? ALL 45 CASES ARE DROPPED AND SHE WALKS FREE! Then her lawyers have all the evidence coming so when the Trump files again, they already gave all their evidence, and sources, so Waters can plan for Round 2. But who cares…


No one here ever "Bakes Bread" so tell me "how" you even know theirs a hot oven? If you have all this evidence AND ITS NOT USED IN CHARGES - ITS WORTHLESS and gets thrown in the trash. So tell me 1 "Loaf" anyone "Baked" that made it to any charges or court? Oh how zombie brainwashed you all have been…


So 2 Full years (and we have entered year 3) of not 1 single charge ever being given to any single DC criminal politician, shows not one loaf has ever been baked; not even a crumb loaf baked for a ant or mouse yet. Place 10,000s in one oven at the same time does not bake them all equally now do they?


So you'll label me a "shill" because I'm giving you a shot of reality and you can't handle the truth now can't you? I'm a Patriot War Vet who believed, but sorry, I'm not one who follows someone forever blindly and no evidence…. I and many many vets over the nation are starting to question and see nothing done and many lies….


So where the Wall and the 3 years now Trump saying he'd use military monies to build it, yet not 1 penny was given to build it. See the lie? Or immigration and keeping illegals out…. And Draining the Swamp… Trump didn't charge a ant in court. Talks cheap and we believed, but time to man up Trump and throw the dogs a bone (charge someone for anything).


We seen the likes and lies of you for decades, and your words are meaningless and empty. We are fighting for our families and childrens, lives and our grandchildren lives, and you want to play a game. War Vets who served on the line know you have to trust the next fellow to watch your back, because it our very life you place in someones hand. Trump, you are not longer trusted to watch 1,000s of served front line soliders backs because you only talk the talk, and we don't trust you and your lies. You failed our home mainland nation and US citizens, as you worried about everyone else before your citizens. Your failure of any action reflects you are not as trustworthy in your words, and your actions.. You can fool the masses who never served, but we know BS when we see it, and you are BS.


Time to man up and show the smallest of the small actions you are against the criminals in DC, who killed 1,000s of soldiers on the battlefield… Charge someone in open public. We know and are starting to seek out a true honest patriot who will be a man of his words; not empty lies. Our lives are not a game, as you seem to think, and we will start to look for someone who will actually physically take action… What a shame to have trusted someone, and they have lied for 3 years now, and 100% refused to even ATTEMPMT to charge a criminal DC scum…


Time war vets are starting to look at someone who will fight the fight, as your war vets who fought, are now loosing faith in you faster then you can drain the swamp… Time to be a man or are you going to run to ROTC again and dodge the battle for our nation? Yeah - I said it because you seem to be a coward. Is it because you are being Blackmailed for crimes yet to come?